Friday, December 31, 2010


it's that time of year again. 紅白歌合戦。wasn't really interested this year so i didn't really know who was going to be in it. ま、でも年越しはやっぱり紅白見ないとね。だから一応見始めた。お寿司食べた後にね。えへへ。so, i thought i might as well look up who's on it. then, guess who was on it?? L'ARC~EN~CIEL!!!!!!!!!! :O 超ビックリ。でもうれしい!!once i heard what song they were playing, it became pretty clear as to the obvious reason as to why they're on it. they sang 「BLESS」. that was the NHK theme song for the Vancouver Olympics this year. そりゃ出るだろ。ま、曲が良くて選ばれたから、紅白出れるのも当然だね。えへへ。才能だね。

oh man, and hyde looked as sexy as ever too. :) もう、かっこよすぎ。しかも、ラルクまた活動開始みたいだから、来年は楽しみだね。HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!

Currently listening to: BLESS - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


the bestie and i were finally able to hang out tonight. it's been a while. apparently, at least 3 months. lol. 長いね。but it was fun. we just sat at a cafe and chatted while we ate.
one of the main topics was relationships. specifically, how it's difficult to maintain one. 私は今の彼と付き合い始めて、3年半くらいになるけど、友達はあんまり長続きしないみたい。so we were discussing how it'd hard to make relationships last. i think she's a bit aggravated because now that we're done with college, it's time to start thinking about our future, including a career and family. そうなると、今付き合う人が生涯の伴侶になるかも知れないでしょ?だから、そういうの考えると焦るんだと思う。わからなくもないけどね。

but i think marriage is still a long way off. at least for me. a lot of people marry in their thirties now and there really is no need to rush. take things slow at first. お互いのことを良く知ることが大切だね。we also discussed how important communication is. she asked if it ever gets boring between the bf and i but i think that just highlights the importance of communication. お互いにコミュニケーションを取って、新しい発見や趣味などを見つけるといいかもね。there needs to be an effort by both parties in order to make things last. take interest in each others' hobbies and try to find new things to do together. i'm sure you'll be able to find the one, the one that'll make you smile through tough times and always be by your side. just keep trying. i know you and i know someone will love you for who you are, just like i do. keep your chin up girlie :)

Currently listening to: Best Friend - 西野カナ

Monday, December 27, 2010


今日は姉と祖母が風邪なので、お医者さんに行ってきました。man, it was freaking far... they used to be a lot closer but they moved. and where they moved is really ghetto.... a bit scary. but not much other choice right now so had to there around 10:20. 祖母は初めてだから、資料を色々書かされた。病歴から保険の資料とか色々。annoying but necessary process, i guess. but man, even though we had an appointment, it took them nearly an hour to call us in. -_- 前々から遅かったけど、ホントひどいね。絶対長すぎると思う。まぁ、医者が医者全部そうでは無いと思うが、だから医者ってキライ。i rarely go to the doctors. as far as i can remember, i've only been to the doctor's a handful of times. and most of it is my pediatrician. for vaccinations and stuff. 後はほとんど行ったこと無い。別にいいよね?行かなくても...一応健康だし?but yea, i really don't like going to the doctors. but then again, who does??

Currently listening to: ほんとのきもち - 高橋優

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

it's christmas!! and i'm sitting at home doing nothing.... well, not really nothing. been watching a lot of doramas. ギルティー、黄金の豚、ナサケの女、パーフェクトレポート、などなど。あと、バラエティーも結構。クイズヘキサゴン、Happy Music、ヒミツの嵐ちゃん、などなど。so many things to watch, so little time. but i have to watch them in order to clear up space on my hard drive. lol

さて、今年のクリスマスは祖母が一緒です。this entails some good things and bad things. good = my mom isn't as annoying and she doesn't get mad as much. reason being that she kinda spends a lot of time complaining about my grandma. そんなにイヤなら、呼ばなきゃいいのにね。bad = my grandma is annoying as well. or, it's tough being nice to her since no one else really is. 誰もあまり相手しないから暇みたいだし。ugh...

it also sucks cuz both my grandma and my sister are sick. and now, my mom is complaining that she might be getting sick as well. ホントうるさいんですけどぉ。and bc of all the coughing going on, it's hard to get a good nights' rest. *sigh* あと、今年のクリスマスは彼には会えないので、さびしいです。家のことで忙しいのはわかるけど、あんまりほっておくと浮気しちゃうぞぉ。ま、でも、手作りのクリスマスカードをくれたので、何気に満足です。えへへ。

Currently listening to: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


for lunch today, my mom took me to the restaurant Tamon in the Miyako Hotel in Little Tokyo. あるのは知ってたけど、初めて行った。あんまり、ホテルに入ってるレストランって行かないじゃん?

一応和食屋さんみたいで、色々メニューがあった。my mom recommended i get the chirashi since she's seen it before and thought it looked pretty good. considering the fact that my mom doesn't like raw fish, you wonder how such raw fish would look appetizing to her.... ま、なんにせよ、ちらしを頼むことに。i look through the menu and find it. it costs a whopping $20!! :O 高くない?ウチ今余裕無いから躊躇したけど、お母さんが頼めって五月蝿いから結局ちらしにすることに。

目の前に運ばれてきたちらしはなんと、2段重ね。すごくね?めっちゃ豪華で贅沢。there was quite a few different kinds of fish. 鯛、はまち、マグロ、サーモン、いくら、鯖、などなど。一番うれしかったのは雲丹!i love sea urchin. and this one was definitely good!! ものすごく贅沢な昼食になりましたね。Currently listening to: BUNNY LOVE - BREAKERZ

Monday, December 20, 2010


今日は彼と久しぶりのデート。ever since i finished school and moved back home, the bf and i have not been able to spend any quality time together. this is especially the case since the mom's work is kinda 暇。でも、こっちにしてみたら、ものすごい迷惑ですね。

before i was able to go out with the bf, i had to go to chinatown to deliver something to my mom. 超迷惑。最初っから持って行っていれば、雨の中運転しなくても済むのに...but yea, had to drive all the way to chinatown in the rain. it wasn't so bad tho. didn't take the freeway since i expected it to be kinda scary. but the streets weren't so busy so it didn't take long to get there. 行きも帰りも道がすいてたから、楽に行って帰れた。事故の心配もあんまり無いし。雨でも全然らくしょー。

after i got home, i quickly changed and went off for my date with the bf. at first, we were thinking about going to the movies. でも、ちょっと事情が変わって、結局行かず仕舞い。instead, we went to round 1 with his friends. we did a bit of games but since his friends were broke, we just ended up sitting and talking. ま、そこそこ楽しかったかな?coulda been better. but i'm not complaining. 久しぶりに母無しでリラックスできたしね。ま、門限があったけど...

Currently listening to: Wannabe - Spice Girls

Saturday, December 18, 2010


今日は午前3時半に起きて朝からサン・ペドロにある魚市場に家族で出かけました。初めての体験です。since it's raining, it was kinda cold. but not as bad as expected, which is a good thing. we weren't really sure of the place but found some helpful hints on yelp and decided to give it a try.

5時前に着いた時にはすでにいっぱい人が。it's a once a week, ea
rly morning sale that is open to the public. usually, it's just wholesale so on this day, the public can get some pretty good deals on the seafood. 車から下りてあたりを見回すと、魚を丸ごと担いでる人がいっぱい!after walking in to some of the stores, it's easy to see why: whole fish can go for as cheap as $1 something a pound. 安いっしょ!だから皆さん箱いっぱいにシーフードを買い込んでた。we ended up getting some tuna sashimi, calamari, lobster tails, and crabs. i think everything came out to a bit under $30. and we got a lot!! 絶対一晩、5人では食べきれない量。とにかく安いし、新鮮。どう調理しようか楽しみです。いまから色々レシピを探しておかねばですね。一番わからないのがロブスター。さて、どうしましょう。

Currently listening to: Tell Me Goodbye - BIG BANG

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Desert Hills Outlet

went to desert hills outlet with my mom and grandma today. i don't really like shopping so it was mostly to keep mom and grandma company. でも、近日中にお仕事を始めなければいけない私は仕事着があまり無く、一応見てみることに。そしたら、いっぱい買っちゃうことになりました。

i think i spent a little over $200 on just myself. i didn't buy everything, but i did pay for some stuff. 母も少しは払ってくれた。in the end, i ended up getting a long-sleeve tee and jeans from J Crew, heels from Factory Direct Shoes, a handbag from Kate Spade, and tights from Ann Taylor. 一番高かったのがかばん。冬用限定のかばんだけど、$100しちゃった。キャー。初のブランドバッグです。

other than that, my mom bought some things for herself but that was mainly about it. not too much shopping for the most part. 何せ高いです。今あまりお金に余裕の無い我が家は節約中です。後少し、家ができるまでは我慢、我慢ですね。

Currently listening to: Firework - Katy Perry

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Illuminations

the family and i went around to look at christmas illuminations tonight. it was only around the neighborhood. 最初は別なところに行く予定だったんだけど、急遽近所の家たちに変更。long story short, my mom got mad because there wasn't enough gas in the car and we ended up just going around nearby because getting gas and then going would've been too late.

まだ早いのか、そんなに飾ってる家がない。もしくは経済悪化の結果かな?either way, the number of houses that were actually decorated on the outside were quite few. many had christmas tress visible from the outside but not too many houses had lights around the house. でも、結構キレイに飾ってる家も何件か。趣味が出るのか、きれいなのもあれば、ケバイのもあり、色々あった。センスのいいところはすごくキレイだったね。

overall, it seems as though the houses that aren't really seemingly expensive tend to do the most decorating. looking at really expensive areas, there are either no decorations or very minimal decorations. why is that?? are the rich people too cheap to invest in decorations?? だから、飾りを見るなら、そこそこミドルクラスのところに行かないとね。

Currently listening to: I'll Be Home For Christmas - Bing Crosby

Saturday, December 11, 2010


今日はアパートを引き払ってきました。so sad. i definitely did not want to move back home. but for now, i really don't have a choice. お金もないし。残念だけど、とりあえず、家へ戻ります。

a bunch of people came to help me. そんなに来られても迷惑だったんだけど...-__- especially my mom. all she did was complain about how i should've started the process sooner and that i had too much manga. ホントうるさい。いない方が絶対マシ。うるさいだけど、最終的にはほとんど手伝ってないし。何しに来たのか
my grandma, sister, and bf were also there. so it took only about 2 hours to clear out my room. it's not like i had a lot there to begin with but yea, it was pretty quick. でも、あの自由を無くすのはものすごく惜しいね。これからが大変かも。

Currently listening to: クリスマスイブ - 山下達郎

Thursday, December 9, 2010


the bf and his family are selling the house. so in preparation, they had decided to repaint the entire house. 大変だよね。だから、私も手伝うことに。ペンキ塗りって以外と重労働だね。and it's really difficult to get the paint on the stucco evenly. but we did get a lot done. 後もう少しで外壁が終わる。その後の細かい作業はまだ残ってるみたいだけど。
i think the worst part of painting is the sun. 暑いけど、脱ぐと日焼けしちゃうから脱げない。ugh... so annoying. while i spent most of the time wearing a jacket, there were just some points where it was just too hot so i ended up in a short sleeve. なるべく日陰を狙って仕事してました。(笑)

でも、すっごい楽しかった。犬もいるんだけど、遊びながらペンキ塗りしてた。えへへ。彼ともいっぱい時間過ごせたし、よかったです。plus, he took me to kinokuniya afterward so it's all good. haha.

Currently listening to: Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


おかげ様で、無事卒業を迎えることができました。って言っても、まだ確実じゃないけどね。it's just that i've finished all my finals and turned in all papers today. so i no longer have to go to campus anymore. and today was also the last day of work for me. i'll kinda miss it. 結構つまらない職場だったけど、それなりに情は沸いたしね。

it's still kinda hard to believe that i'm done for good. i'm not sure if i was able to pass all my classes tho... *fingers crossed* 4年間と3ヶ月。長いようでアッという間でしたね。色々と思い出もできたし、楽しかったなぁ。この後、家に逆戻りかと思うと憂鬱。hopefully, i can find a well paying job and move out ASAP.

Currently listening to: Pomp and Circumstance

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Moving Sale

today we had a 'moving sale'. lol. yard sale last week, moving sale this week. 朝はめっちゃ早起きしたから、大変。疲れたぁ。眠いし。and, we didn't even sell too much... -__-

we didn't have much to sell but the bf did. he was selling a bunch of new shirts as well as some toys and electronics. 後、ミニ鎧みたいなのとか、アコーディオンとか。ホント色々。our profit was about $60. i think the bf made a bit over $100. so it was okay. not the best of sales. ま、確かに目玉商品があまり無かったしね。

we got elite restaurant to go for lunch. おいしかった。man, driving through s.g. chinatown to get there was hell tho. sooooo much traffic. and for apparently no reason too. -_- バカみたい。ホント、運転下手な人多すぎ。ま、人のことあんまり言えないと思うけど...

Currently listening to: 君って - 西野カナ

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Due Date

had a movie date with the bf tonight. 久しぶりだったね。最近お互いの家や仕事のことで忙しかったから、ゆっくりする時間無かったしね。だから久しぶりのデートは楽しかった。

we first went to the movies to watch due date. the one with robert downey jr. and the guy from the hangover. zach something... lol. 前々から見たいねって言ってたから結構楽しみだった。で、映画事態は期待を裏切らなかったね。面白かった。but man, it was full of profanities and some gross stuff. lol. でも、笑えた。i think it was a good movie.
for dinner, we went to chin-ma-ya for dinner. the gardena store. we tried their pa-ko, but it was kinda gross... :( 彼は新しくできた辛みそラーメン、私は坦々麺を。からっかった...and i guess i wasn't very hungry because i couldn't even finish my ramen. i guess it's good for not getting fatter??

Currently listening to: Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yamato Restaurant

今日は急遽、働いてる上司と一緒にランチに。apparently it's because i am quitting after next week and she's not gonna be here next week. あまりにも急だったから、お弁当を持って来てた私。oh well, it's just pasta so i could eat it for dinner too. haha.
we ended up going to Yamato in Westwood for lunch. i've been to Yamato before for dinner but this was my first time at lunch. i think lunch is a lot better than dinner. 色々組み合わせられるコンビネーションがあって、種類が豊富。and it's not as pricey as i'd thought. でも、あんまりお腹空いてなかったのが残念。anyways, i got the black cod and tempura combination. it came with a lot of stuff. soup, rice, salad, edamame, seaweed salad, and the mains. ちょっと量は多かったけど、全部食べた。えへへ。食べすぎだね。

we talked about a bunch of different things. life, careers, food, japan, etc. 結構楽しかった。ご飯もそこそこイケたしね。now, i should be off to class. byeee.

Currently listening to: Just A Dream - Nelly

Sunday, November 28, 2010


昨日は何か、実家週へで色々と事件があったみたい。一つは火事。somewhere in el monte. i think a clothing warehouse caught on fire which led to a couple more catching fire as well. i think about 150 firefighters were brought in to fight that fire. 結構大変だったみたい。彼が間近で見てきたみたい。いいなぁ。私も見たかった。迫力大だろうね。
at night, there was a car chase around our area as well. some guy was running from the police after an assault with a deadly weapon. バカねぇ。逃げ切れると思ってるのかな?無理っしょ。and of course, he was caught. 結構アッサリ終わりました。木にぶつかって終わり。あっけないね。

our neighborhood is usually pretty quiet so its rare for such happenings to occur on the same day. turned out to be an interesting night after all.

Currently listening to: Whip my Hair - Willow Smith

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yard Sale

yesterday (black friday) and today were spent doing a yard sale to get rid of something before we have to move back to my old house. man, am i tired. 足がクタクタ。得に踵。めっちゃ疲れた。

we had a bunch of stuff to sell. the bf set up his rc helicopters to sell. and we had a bunch of stuff too. keyboard (piano), sofa, mattress, bed frame, kotatsu, clothes, dishware, etc. もう、安くてもいいからとにかく売ることに専念したね。あまりにもものが多いから。2日間がんばった結果、ほとんどのものが売れた。売れ上げも$200超えたしね。まぁまぁだと思います。we still have a bunch more clothes tho. and the sofa didn't sell. so, my mom is saying that we'll be doing another one next weekend as well... -__- メンドクサイです。

Currently listening to: 天体観測 - Bump of Chicken

Thursday, November 25, 2010


i hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving! mine was eh. 特になにもしなかったね。七面鳥は食べなかったし。no one in my family besides myself seems to like turkey... 残念ですが、多数決で食べれませんでした。last year, the bf's family made turkey so i got some of that. but this year, he didn't bring me any.... so sad.
日本人って結構七面鳥キライな人多いみたいね。パサパサするし、ニオイがだめみたい。seems like my entire family agrees, along with the bf. 私は好きなんだけどなぁ。他の日系家庭はどうなんだろう?

Currently listening to: Flavor of Love - 宇多田ヒカル

Monday, November 22, 2010


after this quarter, i'm done with school. which means, i should start looking for a job. 分かってるんだけど、色々忙しくて中々出来ない。でも、最近母がウルサイ。she keeps nagging me about resumes and whatnot. and she yells at me about how "everyone else is already applying". 正直ウザイ。「みんな」って誰やねん。こっちにだって色々あるし。言われなくても、考えてるし。忙しい一番の原因はアナタだし。

学校、仕事、母の仕事、家事、家の建て直し、等などで最近はものすごく忙しい。i really don't think my mom understands how hard life is for me right now. i mean, its my last quarter so i really can't mess up. and i have a lot of work: readings and write-ups, 2 papers, tests, etc. in addition to that, i have to work or i won't have enough money to pay for my rent and tuition. それにプラスして、週末は家に帰って手伝い。母の仕事の手伝いに家のこと。on top of that, i take care of all the rebuilding the house stuff that my mom can't do. that's a lot of stuff. its really becoming overwhelming. because of all this stuff, i really don't have a life of my own. 最近全然友だちとも遊べてないし、彼ともまともに遊べない。私そんなに器用で要領よくないから、今でいっぱいいっぱい。
but i really should work on my resume. maybe this thanksgiving weekend. hopefully, i can get a lot of school work done before wednesday and have the weekend free for stuff like that. ただ、まだ引越しもある。。。ホント、やらなきゃいけないことは尽きない。

Currently listening to: 花 - Orange Range

Saturday, November 20, 2010


so, its raining. not that i don't like the rain or anything. it's fine, as long as i don't have school. 雨の中、学校に行くのは大変だから。でも、雨のせいで、めっちゃ寒い。気温低すぎ。しかも、よりによって今日、、、
today, i had to go to the old house (in the process of being rebuilt) for an inspection. the time slot was from 10-12. apparently, they can't get anymore specific than that. バカじゃねぇの?難しくないでしょ...絶対ふざけてる。しょうがないから、10時から家でスタンバイ。寒い雨の中、ひたすら来るのを待つ。once it hit 11:30, i started calling the company that's doing the inspection. of course, they don't answer. it's so stupid... i call a dozen times over and still no answer or call back. で、12時ギリギリにやっと車が一台。apparently, the inspector had an "emergency". mmhmm. emergency. ugh.

the inspection itself didn't take too long. she just took a bunch of pics and i signed some paper work. 15 minutes tops. でも、待ち時間が長すぎ。寒かったぁ。

Currently listening to: 駅 - 竹内まりや

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gui Rim AYCE Korean BBQ

last night, the bf and i went to korean bbq, since i've been craving it for a while. i kinda wanted to pig out so we went to an AYCE that got pretty good ratings on yelp. of course, it was in k-town.
お店自体はさほど大きくなかった。7時過ぎぐらいに行ったら、まだあんまり人が入ってなかった。i guess they only have AYCE cuz we didn't even get an option of ordering anything. they have a huge menu on the wall and you can order from there. でも、座った席から結構遠くて、見えない、、、みたいな。ま、何とか注文は出来たかな。overall, it was decent. the waiters weren't bad but the service sucked. mid-way into the meal, a lot of people started coming in and they got pretty busy. でも、だからってこっちが疎かになるのはどうかと思う。注文したものは出てこないし、なかなか呼んでも来ないし。ちょっぴり「イラッ」。

in the end, we weren't able to eat to much. but it was decent. their boneless ribs were pretty good. haha. でも、もっといいところ知ってる人いない?

Currently listening to: Black Engine - Jang Geun Suk

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ami Sushi

had an interesting lunch today. my supervisor offered to take me out to lunch. i'm only going to be working for a couple more weeks, so she decided to take me out. ま、最後の記念に、って事だと思う。でも、いつもお弁当を持っていく私は今日は持って行かなかったので、ラッキー♪
we discussed what to eat and ended up going to ami sushi in westwood. 以前に見かけて気になってたから、丁度よかったです。それに、お寿司は大好物なので。from the outside, the store looks pretty small. but the inside was huge! they even had a second floor. 薄暗くて、結構オシャレーな感じ。メニューがすごく豊富。ただ、ちょっと高め。so i felt kinda bad. i ended up getting a roll. the dynamite roll. i really like dynamite. so fatty but so damn good. haha. the roll just has dynamite over a california roll. my supervisor got the UCLA roll. that had baked salmon on top of a california roll. 一つ味見にくれて、おいしかった!両方とも$9前後なんだけど、ボリュームたっぷりだったから、妥当なお値段かも。

結構色々なお話をした。家族、将来、過去、世間話、などなど。it was really interesting. and really fun. i think i might miss this workplace. maybe.

Currently listening to: ベイビー・アイ・ラブ・ユー - TEE

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Driving and 合点寿司

man, today i did a ton of driving. and it was with my mom right next to me, which i hate.... めっさ疲れた。i went from my house to torrance, which is about 30 miles away. and then from there, i went to anaheim, then to cerritos, then to pico rivera, and finally home. ホントに大変だった。散々お母さんに文句言われた。仕舞いにはちょっと泣けてきた自分が情けない。運転中に泣かせるのもいかがなものかと思いますが、、、

but i got sushi for dinner so it's all good. went to Gatten Sushi in Cerritos. 最近オープンしたらしいです。回転すし。最近増えてますね。it's all $2 a plate. so yea, same price as Kula in Irvine. でも、味はこっちの方が上。ネタも新鮮だし、種類が豊富。色々な変わり寿司があった。man, it was 4 women, and we finished 29 plates. haha. by the time i was done, i was stuffed. i definitely want to go back :D
Currently listening to: GLORIA - YUI

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

today was kinda hectic, kinda not. really weird day...
obviously, because of veteran's day, i had not school. hooray! hehe. でも、母のお仕事のお手伝いで、朝から大忙し。それも、お昼までには落ち着き、彼とお出かけすることに。we went to the Los Angeles Air Force Base near LAX. the bf works there sometimes and needed to do something. it was my first time there but it was interesting. a lot cleaner and nicer than expected. lol. でも、あまりやることは無さそう。
after that, we grabbed lunch at Umemiya in Torrance. the bf loves the umani yakisoba there. haha. 私は焼肉定食を取ったけど、まぁまぁでしたね。最近焼肉が食べたくて、、、でも、韓国焼肉が食べたい私は、和風の焼肉では満足できないみたいです。i really really want to go...

after lunch, we headed over to santa monica. i still had to do stuff for my mom's work so we killed some time browsing at the santa monica place and 3rd street. man, the new mall is niiiiice. でも、高いものばかりで、何も買えない。残念。
after i finished with work, i just sat around with the bf and a friend and watched the sun set in santa monica. it was really pretty. and it was nice, since it felt like we were really spending some nice quality time. 楽しかった。

since i'm staying over at the bf's house today, we decided to hang out at round 1. 色々遊んだし、プリクラも取った~。でも、最後は母からの電話にイライラしちゃって、彼と喧嘩。ゴメンナサイ。でも、もう仲直りしたから大丈夫!ではでは、おやすみなさい。

Currently listening to: おかえり - 絢香

Wednesday, November 10, 2010






Currently listening to: LOVE LOVE LOVE - Dreams Come True

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i made a huge mistake today... well, maybe not huge, but a very stupid one. i was going home as usual on my bus. で、最近夢中になってる携帯小説を読んでたの。で、気が付いたら、バスが曲がってた。my bus stop for the apartment is right after it turns. until then, the bus runs a straightaway for a while. だから、気づいたら、時すでに遅しで、下りれず...仕方なく、次で下りようと思ったら、次がまら、遠い!there are some places where the bus stops at every block. but no. after my stop, it goes on for another 3 or 4 blocks... しかも、帰りは坂道を上るから、結構キツイ。ugh. i feel so stupid.

on the plus side, my mom brought me sushi. 栄寿司。トーランスの。i love their sushi. hehe. so my mom brought me some for dinner. 最高においしかったです。また食べたいなぁ。

Currently listening to: Gee - 少女時代

Sunday, November 7, 2010


had another bbq today. my mom really likes to do those now. it's fine but getting ready is a pain... -__- plus, its always just the family so its kinda boringgg.
anyways, this time, we had a lot of veggies. お父さんがいっぱい買ってきた。量もさることながら、種類もいっぱいあった。we had corn,tomatoes, carrots, okra, shishito, russet potatoes, white potatoes, and satsuma potatoes. there was so much, i wasn't sure if we'd be able to finish. haha. でも、ほとんど食べちゃった。特にサツマイモがおいしかった~。久しぶりにめっちゃ野菜食べた。満足です。

Currently listening to: Today Was a Fairytale - Taylor Swift

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

China Blue

i think that was the name of the film. i watched it last week in one of my classes. it discusses dormitory labor in china, a fast growing trend. 人があふれ帰る中国では、今や世界でもトップを走る勢いでの経済的急成長を遂げている。そんななか、犠牲になる人たちももちろんいる。the film is about these people.
in this particular film, the focus is on a workers in a jeans factory. these people are made to live in the dorms provided by the factory and made to work under horrendous conditions for very little pay. でも、写してたのは、マシな方。他はもっとひどいらしい。the workers have to work long hours and are not allowed to yawn, talk, or anything without permission. many working under such conditions are young women. 私より若いコがいっぱい写ってた。そう考えるといかに自分が恵まれてるか重い知らさせるね。

all this is done to keep the costs low so that china can compete with international markets. as a consumer of such goods, i cannot help but feel guilty. でも、だからと言って、その分いっぱいお金を使いたい訳ではない。ものすごいジレンマ。while i would like to advocate for their workers' rights, i still like my cheap stuff. 複雑です。

Currently listening to: Only Girl in the World - Rihanna

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

so, this year was quite uneventful. didn't really do much at all for halloween. ま、ハロウィン自体あまりいい思い出があるわけでもないけど。ほとんど大体家で過ごす。

i've only been trick-or-treating once for halloween. other than that, i think the most we've ever done to celebrate halloween was when we went out to look at decorations last yea. 後は大体母が飴買うのを嫌がるから、家でおとなしくしてます。and so, since my mom was too cheap to buy candy again this year, we ended up going out for dinner. went to bamboodles again. いっぱい食べ過ぎた。でも、おいしかった。

the house at the corner of my street was really into the halloween spirit. haha. they opened up their house into an お化け屋敷 and there were scary costumed people walking around with chainsaws and such. every now and then, you could hear people screaming. 行ってみたかったんだけど、誰も一緒に来てくれなさそうだったから、諦めた。楽しそうなのになぁ。残念!maybe next year. :)

Currently listening to: always dreaming - V6

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


one of the new dorama's i'm watching. 東野圭吾原作です。東野圭吾の作品は大体面白い。天才だね。「流星の絆」も面白かったし。so i'm really excited about this series as well.
i finished ep. 1 already. it's really off to a good start. i'm really liking that boyfriend character. 春樹だっけ?別に俳優さんが好きって訳ではない。最近よく見るけどね。but it's not like he's super hot or cute or anything. でも、キャラが好き。特に、1話のラスト。後ろからギュッてして、くるって回して、チュッ。キャー!青春を謳歌してはりますなぁ。うらやましいです。lol. yes, i'm stupid.

Currently listening to: Fruits of Chaos - HYDE

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jackass 3D

last night, the bf and i went to watch Jackass 3D. i wasn't too sure what to expect but man, they sure went way over any expectations i had.

最初に言いたいのが、あんまり3Dだった意味がわかんない。飛び出してきたものは極僅かだし、ほとんど普通の映像っぽかった。it really didn't seem to have much point to being 3D. it's just more money. -___- it especially sucked for me because i have glasses and the 3d glasses don't do a very good job of keeping up on top of my regular glasses. had to keep holding on to them. lol.

ま、とにかくすごかったです。it was seriously one of the grossest films i've ever seen. i mean, its funny and all. but very gross. nudity, feces, and pain, all rolled up into one. ホント、よくあんだけ色々思いつくねって思う。ある意味、感心。but if you want a good laugh and aren't easily grossed out, this is a pretty fucked up but good movie.

Currently listening to: 自由への招待 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bamboodles & お掃除

lunch today was at Bamboodles. it's a chinese noodle shop that has been recently gaining popularity. 行ったことないし、おいしくて安いらしいから行ってみることに。ま、一番は安いからだけど。(笑)we got there a bit past 11. man, the parking lot was already full. it's in a plaza with another chinese restaurant and i think that's where most of the people were going. だって、ウチらのお目当てのお店はまだそんなに混んでなかったから。the parking lot is pretty small so i guess it gets full pretty quick.
the restaurant itself was pretty roomy and clean. and after taking one look at the menu, you could understand what everyone was talking about when they said this place was cheap. いろんなスペシャルとかあってそれらは特に安いけど、総体的に安い。大体のものは$5前後。really cheap.
we decided to go family style and ordered a shrimp wonton noodle, chicken and green onion lo mein, dumplings, garlic spinach, and steamed shrimp. 何食べてもおいしかった!特にほうれん草とえびが好きだった。えびは殻を剥かなきゃいけなくて面倒だったけど。we shared all that among three people. we were able to just polish it off but man were we full. haha. and all that came out to less than $30. :O like i said, cheap.

after that, we had to go back to our old house to clean out our storage. 結構他の人からの預かり物や家の焼け跡から拾ったものとかを入れてて、整理せねばということになったのです。とにかく大変でした。ものはいっぱいあるし、ホコリがすごいし。we were able to find lots of stuff tho. haha. some to keep and some to sell. but yea, it was messy. we haven't even finished all of it but that's for next week. after we came home and i blew my nose, it was all black bc of the dust. ewwwwww. grosss.... haha.
Currently listening to: Beautiful Monster - Ne-Yo

Friday, October 22, 2010

went out to lunch today with my mom. 何か、前々から行きたかったらしい「柚」に行くことに。店内入ったら、雰囲気がお隣さんの「にわっとり」に激似。well, turns out there's a reason for that. they have the same owner. lol.

first thought upon looking at the menu: 「高っ!」most of the items were at least $10+. ランチにしては高いよね。ま、でも、母のおごりだからいいケド。結局ふたりで相談して、母がメンチかつ定食と私が牛タン定食に。いつも結果的に分けたりするから、お互いがすきそうなものを選ぶ。when the food came, i was suprised at how much they give you. ご飯とスープはもちろん、サラダ、お新香、小鉢、と結構色々付いてた。my mom's was crazy cuz she got 2 menchi katsu. no way we can finish that in one sitting.

メンチかつはジューシーですっごくおいしかった。牛タンも肉厚で食べ応えたっぷり。総体的においしい。上品な感じ。i guess the quality justifies the price. i would like to try out more of their dishes but its probably not gonna happen for a while. haha.

Currently listening to: HIDEAWAY - HYDE

Thursday, October 21, 2010

That Pizza Place

i really didn't feel like cooking last night. so i ended up just getting some pizza with the bf. 色々近所の評判を調べてみて、一番安定したレビューをもらったお店に決めた。the place is called That Pizza Place on Westwood Blvd. according to yelp, i think it got like 4 stars. not bad, right?

also, they have these awesome specials, like $10 large pizza or buy 1 large, get 1 free. そんなに食べないから$10で一つのlargeを取ることに。ついでにアペタイザーも。so, we ended up getting 1 large the works pizza (italian sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, olives, onions, and mushrooms) and the frito misto (breaded and fried zucchini, shrimp, and calamari) 全部で$20ちょっと。悪くないよね。量もそこそこあったし。

the pizza seemed really fresh. a lot of people complained about this too but i wish it were a bit crispier. but it was detrimental or anything. still pretty good. 揚げ物は結構おいしかった。サクッとあがってて。ソースが2種類付いてた。garlic ranch and marinara. the marinara was too sour for my liking but the ranch was delish :) 結局全部食べ切れなくて、あまっちゃった。それぐらい量が多い。i think it was definitely worth it.

Currently listening to: Cooler than Me - Mike Posner

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


最近どうも妄想癖が出てきた。i think it's because i'm reading the 携帯小説 so much. you know, reading about a love story makes one start to fantasize. at least for me. haha.

ま、そんなこんなで、結構授業中とかも上の空だったり。妄想が楽しくてヤメランネ。it's probably a very bad thing since i should be paying more attention in class. oh well. :)

so, of course the main characters are myself and hyde-sama. that's a given. i'm not sure if i've ever professed my love for hyde-sama on this blog before, but he is like god to me. めっちゃかっこいいし、お茶目でいじめっ子っぽいところも大好き。もう、すべてにおいて完璧。あの低くてやさしい声で耳元で囁かれたぁぁぁぁぁい!うん。そうですね。ちょっと変態が入ってますね。but it's not like i'm bothering anyone so i say it's fine. lol. でも、本当に大好きなのです。hyde様の馴れ初めやあんなことやこんなこてで、妄想街道爆走中デス。えへ。重症です。ま、現実で逢えない分、妄想が楽しいんだけど...会えないかなぁ。

Currently listening to: Season's Call - HYDE

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Ex

last night, i was on facebook, momentarily browsing people i might know. in reality, i had to do some homework, but that was my escape. it was only supposed to be for a couple of minutes. あまり長いこと現実逃避してると後々痛い目に会うから。so, i was getting ready to log off when my ex-boyfriend ims me. he's done this a couple of times before so it wasn't surprising. でも、結構タイミング悪かったカモ。
ま、でも邪険に扱うわけには行かないので、とりあえず、おしゃべりに突入。we talked about school mostly in the beginning. actually, i just asked him questions about his school that would require long answers so i could do some reading in the meantime. haha. 私ってアッタマいい~。anyways, eventually, i finish my readings for school and we start having a more in-depth conversation.

so i finally decide to ask him what's always been bothering me: the reason we broke up. 何か、一応フられた私なのですが、あまり理由が分からなかった。最後はあまり一緒にいる時間が無くて、コミュニケーションが取れなくなって行った。it's not like i didn't try. i would always ask him to eat lunch and stuff but he never agreed. で、そんな感じで別れちゃって。but there was no real reason given as to why we ended up like that. so i just asked him. his answer: "i was just too immature to see how cool you were. i regret doing that." :O うれしいこと言ってくれますね。例えお世辞でも、ウレシイ。he insisted he wasn't lying but i still find it hard to believe him. oh well, i'll just take it at face value and be happy. lol. 楽観的が一番ね。

after that, we were just talking about his love life (or lack thereof) and why he isn't doing so well with the ladies. it was interesting. but honestly, i think its pretty much the same reason why we broke up. lack of communication. 何か、話を聞いてるとどうもそうっぽい。結局はイクジ無しなのかも。肝心なことは言わない。he's always been really sweet, saying things a girl wants to hear and all. but he never mentions the really important things. 後、積極性かな?もうこの年なんだから、押し倒すくらいの勢いで行かないと。あはは。but yea, it was fun. こういう関係もいいかもネ。

Currently listening to: Secret Base ~君がくれたもの~ - ZONE

Saturday, October 16, 2010


最近読んだ面白い本。一応短編集。there were 3 titles included in the book and they were all really good. i think i really like this author. it was her first book and i don't think she has any other ones out yet.

「青空チェリー」は甘酸っぱい恋のお話。一緒にラブホの覗きをする男女が恋に落ちるっていう奇妙なシチュエーション。they're both high schoolers and seemingly, the first bf/gf that each has ever had. the situation is really interesting and she ends right as they begin their relationship so its kinda a cliffhanger ending. ちょっと性的描写があり、テレながら読んでた。あはは。

there were two other stories but i especially liked the last one. it was really sad yet inspirational. もしも私がああいう事態になったらどうするだろうって考えさせる。戦争の怖さとか、二人の人を同時に好きになるもどかしさとか、色々複雑な感じ。but they were all really good. it's definitely recommend to read.

Currently listening to: さくらんぼ - 大塚愛

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


最近また携帯小説にハマった。its really easy to read and instead of having to lug around a book, its light weight and convenient. だって、携帯で読んでるんだもん!:O lol. やっと携帯小説の本領発揮ですね。cuz until now, i had no data plan, so there was no way to read it on my phone. but now that i do, things have gotten a lot more convinient. hehe

another good thing: my phones' screen is so big that its actually quite easy to read on it. 画面が大きすぎてポケットに入らないのは問題だけど、、、but besides that, its really easy to read things on it.

今読んでるのが、「ワイルドビースト」。まだまだ始まったばかりで話の内容は読めないけど、面白そう。hopefully, i'll be able to understand the plot soon.

Currently listening to: Alright! - Superfly

Monday, October 11, 2010

Round 1 Bowling

昨日の夜は Round 1 でボウリングしましたぁ。5ゲームも。大変でしたね。結構。it was a deal so obviously, we went for it. haha. but man, 5 games is a lot. i think i did decent. there were some times were i sucked a lot but for the most part, i think i'm getting better.

not as nice but similar to this

the place is brand new so all the equipment is really nice. and at night, they make is so the pins glow and there are lots of strobes of lights and things like that. 面白かった。ただ、ボールの指の穴のサイズには困りました。Mだとちょっと大きい。でも、Sが無い。that kinda sucked. but other than that, everything was really nice. i hadn't been bowling in a while so it was really fun! その反面で帰りはかなり遅くなっちゃったけどね。(笑)

Currently listening to: まんピーのG☆SPOT - サザンオールスターズ

Sunday, October 10, 2010

交通規制 & Full House

今日はリトル東京にビデオとかを返しに行ったら、びっくり。めっちゃ交通規制されていた。there were so many streets shut down, there was practically no way to get into the middle of little tokyo. we were finally able to go around and park and check out what was going on. 全然わかんない。自転車がいっぱい、というだけ。lots of cyclists and a couple of people walking. but it wasn't a race or anything. people were going whichever way they wanted and many were sitting down at restaurants and stuff, eating and drinking along the way. 今一意図がつかめない。一体何があったのでしょう。。。but it was interesting watching the people. there were families and groups of friends. some had some interesting bicycles. one was really tall, i have no clue how he managed to get onto it. haha.

お昼は最近よく食べる飲茶。this time we decided to go to a place that i've been to once with friends nearby called full house. いや~、混んでましたね。ちょっと遅めに行ったけど、20分くらい待たされた。i dunno, i was hoping it was really good since it seemed so popular. but it was okay. i've definitely had better. 別に値段も安いわけでもないし。何であんなに混むか分からない。ま、中国人にとっては美味いのかな?

Currently listening to: Nothin' On You - BoB feat. Bruno Mars

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Traffic Stop?

driving in la today, i had a first time experience. i was on the 110, heading south and right about to pass downtown. all of a sudden, i see a cop car with its lights flashing. ま、普通に誰か捕まった~としか思ってなかったんだけど、急に私の前に入ってきた。一番右のレーンから私のいる一番左のレーンに。何がしたいのかまったく検討が付かなかった。its kinda scary driving behind a cop car with flashing lights so i slowed down. the cop car eventually got decently ahead of me so i thought maybe he was in a hurry? (abuse of power) but i caught sight of him again. ちょっと前で急に右へ、左へとクネクネし始めた。

my first thought was "oh shit". i mean, i've seen/heard about this before. traffic stop. もし本当に止まらされたら面倒だもん。時間も多少は掛かるだろうし。i was almost about to hit the carpool lane so all i was hoping for was to be able to get in so the traffic stop wouldn't affect me. ま、一応何とか乗れて、横を見ると、パトカーも止めてどっか行っちゃった。結局アレはなんだったんだろう??

Currently listening to: Breathe - Issa x Soulja

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cuz you had a bad day

like me. today was definitely not my day. 朝起きて雨降ってる時点でアウトだった気がする。not that i don't like rain. its fine and all. although its effing cold. but yea, its fine as long as i don't have to walk and take the bus to school. こういう時の雨はホント面倒。
i got going a bit late this morning because i had to run back to get my umbrella. as a result, i missed my bus. -__- i ran for it, but missed. で、寒い中突っ立ってると、車が来て、ピシャっ!it wasn't a lot of water, but it was still gross and cold. of course i don't have enough time to go home and change so i just went with that. で、さらに待ってますと、以上に気づく。雨で分かりにくかったけど、耳に伝わる音がやけに静か。so i listen real close and discover one of my earbuds isn't working. ugh. its only been about a year since i bought them. もう壊れたのかよ!but soon, that wasn't to matter anyways. my mp3 player died.... ホントツイてない。

i get to class, then work. and then the final hit blows. ugh... my period started. its fine cuz i had my pad on me. but still.... 来週だと思ってたからちょっと焦った。as a result, my stomachs been cramping all day. its times like these when i really hate being a girl....

Currently listening to: Bad Day - Daniel Powter

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Seal Beach Kite Festival

it was the japan america kite festival in seal beach today. wasn't really planning on going. until my mom practically forced me too. 何か、ずっと不機嫌なんですよね。いい加減ウザイし。ま、これ以上不機嫌になられてもいやなので、一応行くことに。

well, seal beach itself seemed decently interesting. the festival was at the pier and before that was like downtown seal beach or something. 色々面白そうなお店とかあったけど、結局見て回る時間無し。ホント、母と回るといいこと無いね。i think she really needs to get a life of her own...
the kite festival itself was a bit lame. i'd never flown a kite and the bf said he'd help me try but i didn't want to buy a kite so never got to fly it. でも、いつかはやってみたい気がする。ちょっと面白そう。大きな公園とかに行って。but yea, the festival itself was a bit bleh. nothing much to do. and it was cloudy. the highlight was getting some yakult. that stuff is awesome :)

Currently listening to: エロティカ・セブン - サザン・オール・スターズ

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pool Cleaning & Boiling Crab

today was a decently productive day. spent most of my evening cleaning out the pool with my dad. も、藻とかが生えたい放題で手のつけようが無いくらいになっちゃって、しょうがなく水を全部抜くことに。my dad rented a pump from home depot and off we start. boy, was it hot. -__- 大変なのが、壁をキレイにするの。結構大変。水圧があるから。man, i think i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. but it was good exercise.

for dinner, we weren't too sure what to get, since my dad needed to get going soon. so i suggested getting boiling crab to go. 前々から食べてみたかったかし、お持ち帰りならそんなに時間かからないから、いいかなと。its pretty pricey. i mean, you pay by the pound and since most of those critters have heavy shells, you need to get a lot to get full. we got some crabs, shrimps, potatoes, and sausages. ま、期待してたほどでは無かったね。i think i like regularly steamed seafood better. haha. simple is best, no? regardless, it was fun eating in my garage, getting all messy. 石鹸とか何も無いのが残念でしたけど。食べた後が大変。the things you do for food...

Currently listening to: Wildflower - Superfly

Friday, October 1, 2010


late last night, after some playing at round 1, the bf, some friends and i decided to go to guppy's for some late night eating. one reason was because i've wanted to try it out since my bestie mentioned it a while back and another is because it was one of the few places open so late. みんな結構おなか空いてたから、(主に自分だけど。ホント、食いしん坊でゴメンナサイ)色々メニューがあるここが一番いいということに。
足を踏み入れて一発目、ウルサイ。all this "gangsta" (no offense to anyone that likes that kinda of music..) music was on pretty loud. this was the patio. once inside the store, man, it was really loud. で、お外に座ることに。we had heard the popcorn chicken was good so we decided to go with that. but we couldn't figure out what else to get. 一応カキ氷が有名みたいだったけど、量が多いし、みんなが食べないと余る。after a lengthy discussion on what to get, we finally decide to get the guppy's small combo. 1 popcorn chicken, 1 small shaved ice with strawberries, and 1 brick toast with chocolate. 全部美味しかったです。でも、彼が高すぎるとブーブー文句を垂れる。ちょっとくらいいいじゃん、ね?ケチ。but yea, it seems we're not gonna be back for a while. darn.

Currently listening to: DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love - Usher

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Easy A & Chego

last night, the bf and i decided to watch a movie. after some haggle over what to watch, we settled on "Easy A". it's been advertised on meebo for a while and had good reviews, so we gave it a try.

結論的には面白かった。emma stone was HOT! :) hehe. those corsets looked scorching. でも、彼は以外にダメだったみたい。何か、コーセットってダメらしい。私はセクシーだと思うけど。ま、とにかく肌の露出が多かったね。but man, i got so many phone calls over the phone during the movie so i kinda missed some parts here and ther
e. darn. stupid mom. -__- but the story was relatively easy to understand. kewl parents, tho. i wish my mom was a kickass as olive's mom.
で、晩御飯はといいますと、この間から気になっていたところに。its right down the street from my current apartment and it's called chego. it's kinda like a asian fusion place. 何か、結構人気みたいで、一度行ってみたかったんです。we ended up getting the pork bowl thing. ま、、、お豚さん自体はめちゃウマだったんですが、、、there was a bunch of stuff on the bowl besides meat. and... that wasn't exactly the greatest. すっごい複雑な味で、結構辛かった。お肉だけならおいしいのに。ちょっぴり残念でしたね。Currently listening to: ムーンライト - くず