oh man, and hyde looked as sexy as ever too. :) もう、かっこよすぎ。しかも、ラルクまた活動開始みたいだから、来年は楽しみだね。HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!
Currently listening to: BLESS - L'Arc~en~Ciel
not as nice but similar to this
the place is brand new so all the equipment is really nice. and at night, they make is so the pins glow and there are lots of strobes of lights and things like that. 面白かった。ただ、ボールの指の穴のサイズには困りました。Mだとちょっと大きい。でも、Sが無い。that kinda sucked. but other than that, everything was really nice. i hadn't been bowling in a while so it was really fun! その反面で帰りはかなり遅くなっちゃったけどね。(笑)