today was kinda hectic, kinda not. really weird day...
obviously, because of veteran's day, i had not school. hooray! hehe. でも、母のお仕事のお手伝いで、朝から大忙し。それも、お昼までには落ち着き、彼とお出かけすることに。we went to the Los Angeles Air Force Base near LAX. the bf works there sometimes and needed to do something. it was my first time there but it was interesting. a lot cleaner and nicer than expected. lol. でも、あまりやることは無さそう。

after that, we grabbed lunch at Umemiya in Torrance. the bf loves the umani yakisoba there. haha. 私は焼肉定食を取ったけど、まぁまぁでしたね。最近焼肉が食べたくて、、、でも、韓国焼肉が食べたい私は、和風の焼肉では満足できないみたいです。i really really want to go...
after lunch, we headed over to santa monica. i still had to do stuff for my mom's work so we killed some time browsing at the santa monica place and 3rd street. man, the new mall is niiiiice. でも、高いものばかりで、何も買えない。残念。

after i finished with work, i just sat around with the bf and a friend and watched the sun set in santa monica. it was really pretty. and it was nice, since it felt like we were really spending some nice quality time. 楽しかった。
since i'm staying over at the bf's house today, we decided to hang out at round 1. 色々遊んだし、プリクラも取った~。でも、最後は母からの電話にイライラしちゃって、彼と喧嘩。ゴメンナサイ。でも、もう仲直りしたから大丈夫!ではでは、おやすみなさい。
Currently listening to: おかえり - 絢香
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