after this quarter, i'm done with school. which means, i should start looking for a job. 分かってるんだけど、色々忙しくて中々出来ない。でも、最近母がウルサイ。she keeps nagging me about resumes and whatnot. and she yells at me about how "everyone else is already applying". 正直ウザイ。「みんな」って誰やねん。こっちにだって色々あるし。言われなくても、考えてるし。忙しい一番の原因はアナタだし。
学校、仕事、母の仕事、家事、家の建て直し、等などで最近はものすごく忙しい。i really don't think my mom understands how hard life is for me right now. i mean, its my last quarter so i really can't mess up. and i have a lot of work: readings and write-ups, 2 papers, tests, etc. in addition to that, i have to work or i won't have enough money to pay for my rent and tuition. それにプラスして、週末は家に帰って手伝い。母の仕事の手伝いに家のこと。on top of that, i take care of all the rebuilding the house stuff that my mom can't do. that's a lot of stuff. its really becoming overwhelming. because of all this stuff, i really don't have a life of my own. 最近全然友だちとも遊べてないし、彼ともまともに遊べない。私そんなに器用で要領よくないから、今でいっぱいいっぱい。

but i really should work on my resume. maybe this thanksgiving weekend. hopefully, i can get a lot of school work done before wednesday and have the weekend free for stuff like that. ただ、まだ引越しもある。。。ホント、やらなきゃいけないことは尽きない。
Currently listening to: 花 - Orange Range
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