i've only been trick-or-treating once for halloween. other than that, i think the most we've ever done to celebrate halloween was when we went out to look at decorations last yea. 後は大体母が飴買うのを嫌がるから、家でおとなしくしてます。and so, since my mom was too cheap to buy candy again this year, we ended up going out for dinner. went to bamboodles again. いっぱい食べ過ぎた。でも、おいしかった。
the house at the corner of my street was really into the halloween spirit. haha. they opened up their house into an お化け屋敷 and there were scary costumed people walking around with chainsaws and such. every now and then, you could hear people screaming. 行ってみたかったんだけど、誰も一緒に来てくれなさそうだったから、諦めた。楽しそうなのになぁ。残念!maybe next year. :)
Currently listening to: always dreaming - V6
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