yesterday (black friday) and today were spent doing a yard sale to get rid of something before we have to move back to my old house. man, am i tired. 足がクタクタ。得に踵。めっちゃ疲れた。
we had a bunch of stuff to sell. the bf set up his rc helicopters to sell. and we had a bunch of stuff too. keyboard (piano), sofa, mattress, bed frame, kotatsu, clothes, dishware, etc. もう、安くてもいいからとにかく売ることに専念したね。あまりにもものが多いから。2日間がんばった結果、ほとんどのものが売れた。売れ上げも$200超えたしね。まぁまぁだと思います。we still have a bunch more clothes tho. and the sofa didn't sell. so, my mom is saying that we'll be doing another one next weekend as well... -__- メンドクサイです。
Currently listening to: 天体観測 - Bump of Chicken
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