i think that was the name of the film. i watched it last week in one of my classes. it discusses dormitory labor in china, a fast growing trend. 人があふれ帰る中国では、今や世界でもトップを走る勢いでの経済的急成長を遂げている。そんななか、犠牲になる人たちももちろんいる。the film is about these people.

in this particular film, the focus is on a workers in a jeans factory. these people are made to live in the dorms provided by the factory and made to work under horrendous conditions for very little pay. でも、写してたのは、マシな方。他はもっとひどいらしい。the workers have to work long hours and are not allowed to yawn, talk, or anything without permission. many working under such conditions are young women. 私より若いコがいっぱい写ってた。そう考えるといかに自分が恵まれてるか重い知らさせるね。
all this is done to keep the costs low so that china can compete with international markets. as a consumer of such goods, i cannot help but feel guilty. でも、だからと言って、その分いっぱいお金を使いたい訳ではない。ものすごいジレンマ。while i would like to advocate for their workers' rights, i still like my cheap stuff. 複雑です。
Currently listening to: Only Girl in the World - Rihanna
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