last night, the bf and i went to korean bbq, since i've been craving it for a while. i kinda wanted to pig out so we went to an AYCE that got pretty good ratings on yelp. of course, it was in k-town.

お店自体はさほど大きくなかった。7時過ぎぐらいに行ったら、まだあんまり人が入ってなかった。i guess they only have AYCE cuz we didn't even get an option of ordering anything. they have a huge menu on the wall and you can order from there. でも、座った席から結構遠くて、見えない、、、みたいな。ま、何とか注文は出来たかな。overall, it was decent. the waiters weren't bad but the service sucked. mid-way into the meal, a lot of people started coming in and they got pretty busy. でも、だからってこっちが疎かになるのはどうかと思う。注文したものは出てこないし、なかなか呼んでも来ないし。ちょっぴり「イラッ」。
in the end, we weren't able to eat to much. but it was decent. their boneless ribs were pretty good. haha. でも、もっといいところ知ってる人いない?
Currently listening to: Black Engine - Jang Geun Suk
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