今日はリトル東京にビデオとかを返しに行ったら、びっくり。めっちゃ交通規制されていた。there were so many streets shut down, there was practically no way to get into the middle of little tokyo. we were finally able to go around and park and check out what was going on. 全然わかんない。自転車がいっぱい、というだけ。lots of cyclists and a couple of people walking. but it wasn't a race or anything. people were going whichever way they wanted and many were sitting down at restaurants and stuff, eating and drinking along the way. 今一意図がつかめない。一体何があったのでしょう。。。but it was interesting watching the people. there were families and groups of friends. some had some interesting bicycles. one was really tall, i have no clue how he managed to get onto it. haha.

お昼は最近よく食べる飲茶。this time we decided to go to a place that i've been to once with friends nearby called full house. いや~、混んでましたね。ちょっと遅めに行ったけど、20分くらい待たされた。i dunno, i was hoping it was really good since it seemed so popular. but it was okay. i've definitely had better. 別に値段も安いわけでもないし。何であんなに混むか分からない。ま、中国人にとっては美味いのかな?

Currently listening to: Nothin' On You - BoB feat. Bruno Mars
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