went out to lunch today with my mom. 何か、前々から行きたかったらしい「柚」に行くことに。店内入ったら、雰囲気がお隣さんの「にわっとり」に激似。well, turns out there's a reason for that. they have the same owner. lol.
first thought upon looking at the menu: 「高っ!」most of the items were at least $10+. ランチにしては高いよね。ま、でも、母のおごりだからいいケド。結局ふたりで相談して、母がメンチかつ定食と私が牛タン定食に。いつも結果的に分けたりするから、お互いがすきそうなものを選ぶ。when the food came, i was suprised at how much they give you. ご飯とスープはもちろん、サラダ、お新香、小鉢、と結構色々付いてた。my mom's was crazy cuz she got 2 menchi katsu. no way we can finish that in one sitting.
メンチかつはジューシーですっごくおいしかった。牛タンも肉厚で食べ応えたっぷり。総体的においしい。上品な感じ。i guess the quality justifies the price. i would like to try out more of their dishes but its probably not gonna happen for a while. haha.
Currently listening to: HIDEAWAY - HYDE
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