late last night, after some playing at round 1, the bf, some friends and i decided to go to guppy's for some late night eating. one reason was because i've wanted to try it out since my bestie mentioned it a while back and another is because it was one of the few places open so late. みんな結構おなか空いてたから、(主に自分だけど。ホント、食いしん坊でゴメンナサイ)色々メニューがあるここが一番いいということに。
足を踏み入れて一発目、ウルサイ。all this "gangsta" (no offense to anyone that likes that kinda of music..) music was on pretty loud. this was the patio. once inside the store, man, it was really loud. で、お外に座ることに。we had heard the popcorn chicken was good so we decided to go with that. but we couldn't figure out what else to get. 一応カキ氷が有名みたいだったけど、量が多いし、みんなが食べないと余る。after a lengthy discussion on what to get, we finally decide to get the guppy's small combo. 1 popcorn chicken, 1 small shaved ice with strawberries, and 1 brick toast with chocolate. 全部美味しかったです。でも、彼が高すぎるとブーブー文句を垂れる。ちょっとくらいいいじゃん、ね?ケチ。but yea, it seems we're not gonna be back for a while. darn.
Currently listening to: DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love - Usher
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