最近また携帯小説にハマった。its really easy to read and instead of having to lug around a book, its light weight and convenient. だって、携帯で読んでるんだもん!:O lol. やっと携帯小説の本領発揮ですね。cuz until now, i had no data plan, so there was no way to read it on my phone. but now that i do, things have gotten a lot more convinient. hehe
another good thing: my phones' screen is so big that its actually quite easy to read on it. 画面が大きすぎてポケットに入らないのは問題だけど、、、but besides that, its really easy to read things on it.

今読んでるのが、「ワイルドビースト」。まだまだ始まったばかりで話の内容は読めないけど、面白そう。hopefully, i'll be able to understand the plot soon.
Currently listening to: Alright! - Superfly
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