last night, i was on facebook, momentarily browsing people i might know. in reality, i had to do some homework, but that was my escape. it was only supposed to be for a couple of minutes. あまり長いこと現実逃避してると後々痛い目に会うから。so, i was getting ready to log off when my ex-boyfriend ims me. he's done this a couple of times before so it wasn't surprising. でも、結構タイミング悪かったカモ。

so i finally decide to ask him what's always been bothering me: the reason we broke up. 何か、一応フられた私なのですが、あまり理由が分からなかった。最後はあまり一緒にいる時間が無くて、コミュニケーションが取れなくなって行った。it's not like i didn't try. i would always ask him to eat lunch and stuff but he never agreed. で、そんな感じで別れちゃって。but there was no real reason given as to why we ended up like that. so i just asked him. his answer: "i was just too immature to see how cool you were. i regret doing that." :O うれしいこと言ってくれますね。例えお世辞でも、ウレシイ。he insisted he wasn't lying but i still find it hard to believe him. oh well, i'll just take it at face value and be happy. lol. 楽観的が一番ね。
after that, we were just talking about his love life (or lack thereof) and why he isn't doing so well with the ladies. it was interesting. but honestly, i think its pretty much the same reason why we broke up. lack of communication. 何か、話を聞いてるとどうもそうっぽい。結局はイクジ無しなのかも。肝心なことは言わない。he's always been really sweet, saying things a girl wants to hear and all. but he never mentions the really important things. 後、積極性かな?もうこの年なんだから、押し倒すくらいの勢いで行かないと。あはは。but yea, it was fun. こういう関係もいいかもネ。
Currently listening to: Secret Base ~君がくれたもの~ - ZONE
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