like me. today was definitely not my day. 朝起きて雨降ってる時点でアウトだった気がする。not that i don't like rain. its fine and all. although its effing cold. but yea, its fine as long as i don't have to walk and take the bus to school. こういう時の雨はホント面倒。

i got going a bit late this morning because i had to run back to get my umbrella. as a result, i missed my bus. -__- i ran for it, but missed. で、寒い中突っ立ってると、車が来て、ピシャっ!it wasn't a lot of water, but it was still gross and cold. of course i don't have enough time to go home and change so i just went with that. で、さらに待ってますと、以上に気づく。雨で分かりにくかったけど、耳に伝わる音がやけに静か。so i listen real close and discover one of my earbuds isn't working. ugh. its only been about a year since i bought them. もう壊れたのかよ!but soon, that wasn't to matter anyways. my mp3 player died.... ホントツイてない。
i get to class, then work. and then the final hit blows. ugh... my period started. its fine cuz i had my pad on me. but still.... 来週だと思ってたからちょっと焦った。as a result, my stomachs been cramping all day. its times like these when i really hate being a girl....
Currently listening to: Bad Day - Daniel Powter
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