最近どうも妄想癖が出てきた。i think it's because i'm reading the 携帯小説 so much. you know, reading about a love story makes one start to fantasize. at least for me. haha.
ま、そんなこんなで、結構授業中とかも上の空だったり。妄想が楽しくてヤメランネ。it's probably a very bad thing since i should be paying more attention in class. oh well. :)

so, of course the main characters are myself and hyde-sama. that's a given. i'm not sure if i've ever professed my love for hyde-sama on this blog before, but he is like god to me. めっちゃかっこいいし、お茶目でいじめっ子っぽいところも大好き。もう、すべてにおいて完璧。あの低くてやさしい声で耳元で囁かれたぁぁぁぁぁい!うん。そうですね。ちょっと変態が入ってますね。but it's not like i'm bothering anyone so i say it's fine. lol. でも、本当に大好きなのです。hyde様の馴れ初めやあんなことやこんなこてで、妄想街道爆走中デス。えへ。重症です。ま、現実で逢えない分、妄想が楽しいんだけど...会えないかなぁ。
Currently listening to: Season's Call - HYDE
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