Sunday, October 3, 2010

Seal Beach Kite Festival

it was the japan america kite festival in seal beach today. wasn't really planning on going. until my mom practically forced me too. 何か、ずっと不機嫌なんですよね。いい加減ウザイし。ま、これ以上不機嫌になられてもいやなので、一応行くことに。

well, seal beach itself seemed decently interesting. the festival was at the pier and before that was like downtown seal beach or something. 色々面白そうなお店とかあったけど、結局見て回る時間無し。ホント、母と回るといいこと無いね。i think she really needs to get a life of her own...
the kite festival itself was a bit lame. i'd never flown a kite and the bf said he'd help me try but i didn't want to buy a kite so never got to fly it. でも、いつかはやってみたい気がする。ちょっと面白そう。大きな公園とかに行って。but yea, the festival itself was a bit bleh. nothing much to do. and it was cloudy. the highlight was getting some yakult. that stuff is awesome :)

Currently listening to: エロティカ・セブン - サザン・オール・スターズ

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