lunch today was at Bamboodles. it's a chinese noodle shop that has been recently gaining popularity. 行ったことないし、おいしくて安いらしいから行ってみることに。ま、一番は安いからだけど。(笑)we got there a bit past 11. man, the parking lot was already full. it's in a plaza with another chinese restaurant and i think that's where most of the people were going. だって、ウチらのお目当てのお店はまだそんなに混んでなかったから。the parking lot is pretty small so i guess it gets full pretty quick.
the restaurant itself was pretty roomy and clean. and after taking one look at the menu, you could understand what everyone was talking about when they said this place was cheap. いろんなスペシャルとかあってそれらは特に安いけど、総体的に安い。大体のものは$5前後。really cheap.

after that, we had to go back to our old house to clean out our storage. 結構他の人からの預かり物や家の焼け跡から拾ったものとかを入れてて、整理せねばということになったのです。とにかく大変でした。ものはいっぱいあるし、ホコリがすごいし。we were able to find lots of stuff tho. haha. some to keep and some to sell. but yea, it was messy. we haven't even finished all of it but that's for next week. after we came home and i blew my nose, it was all black bc of the dust. ewwwwww. grosss.... haha.

Currently listening to: Beautiful Monster - Ne-Yo
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