今日は午前3時半に起きて朝からサン・ペドロにある魚市場に家族で出かけました。初めての体験です。since it's raining, it was kinda cold. but not as bad as expected, which is a good thing. we weren't really sure of the place but found some helpful hints on yelp and decided to give it a try.
5時前に着いた時にはすでにいっぱい人が。it's a once a week, early morning sale that is open to the public. usually, it's just wholesale so on this day, the public can get some pretty good deals on the seafood. 車から下りてあたりを見回すと、魚を丸ごと担いでる人がいっぱい!after walking in to some of the stores, it's easy to see why: whole fish can go for as cheap as $1 something a pound. 安いっしょ!だから皆さん箱いっぱいにシーフードを買い込んでた。
we ended up getting some tuna sashimi, calamari, lobster tails, and crabs. i think everything came out to a bit under $30. and we got a lot!! 絶対一晩、5人では食べきれない量。とにかく安いし、新鮮。どう調理しようか楽しみです。いまから色々レシピを探しておかねばですね。一番わからないのがロブスター。さて、どうしましょう。
Currently listening to: Tell Me Goodbye - BIG BANG
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