one of the main topics was relationships. specifically, how it's difficult to maintain one. 私は今の彼と付き合い始めて、3年半くらいになるけど、友達はあんまり長続きしないみたい。so we were discussing how it'd hard to make relationships last. i think she's a bit aggravated because now that we're done with college, it's time to start thinking about our future, including a career and family. そうなると、今付き合う人が生涯の伴侶になるかも知れないでしょ?だから、そういうの考えると焦るんだと思う。わからなくもないけどね。
but i think marriage is still a long way off. at least for me. a lot of people marry in their thirties now and there really is no need to rush. take things slow at first. お互いのことを良く知ることが大切だね。we also discussed how important communication is. she asked if it ever gets boring between the bf and i but i think that just highlights the importance of communication. お互いにコミュニケーションを取って、新しい発見や趣味などを見つけるといいかもね。there needs to be an effort by both parties in order to make things last. take interest in each others' hobbies and try to find new things to do together. i'm sure you'll be able to find the one, the one that'll make you smile through tough times and always be by your side. just keep trying. i know you and i know someone will love you for who you are, just like i do. keep your chin up girlie :)
Currently listening to: Best Friend - 西野カナ
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