before i was able to go out with the bf, i had to go to chinatown to deliver something to my mom. 超迷惑。最初っから持って行っていれば、雨の中運転しなくても済むのに...but yea, had to drive all the way to chinatown in the rain. it wasn't so bad tho. didn't take the freeway since i expected it to be kinda scary. but the streets weren't so busy so it didn't take long to get there. 行きも帰りも道がすいてたから、楽に行って帰れた。事故の心配もあんまり無いし。雨でも全然らくしょー。
after i got home, i quickly changed and went off for my date with the bf. at first, we were thinking about going to the movies. でも、ちょっと事情が変わって、結局行かず仕舞い。instead, we went to round 1 with his friends. we did a bit of games but since his friends were broke, we just ended up sitting and talking. ま、そこそこ楽しかったかな?coulda been better. but i'm not complaining. 久しぶりに母無しでリラックスできたしね。ま、門限があったけど...
Currently listening to: Wannabe - Spice Girls
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