Friday, December 31, 2010


it's that time of year again. 紅白歌合戦。wasn't really interested this year so i didn't really know who was going to be in it. ま、でも年越しはやっぱり紅白見ないとね。だから一応見始めた。お寿司食べた後にね。えへへ。so, i thought i might as well look up who's on it. then, guess who was on it?? L'ARC~EN~CIEL!!!!!!!!!! :O 超ビックリ。でもうれしい!!once i heard what song they were playing, it became pretty clear as to the obvious reason as to why they're on it. they sang 「BLESS」. that was the NHK theme song for the Vancouver Olympics this year. そりゃ出るだろ。ま、曲が良くて選ばれたから、紅白出れるのも当然だね。えへへ。才能だね。

oh man, and hyde looked as sexy as ever too. :) もう、かっこよすぎ。しかも、ラルクまた活動開始みたいだから、来年は楽しみだね。HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!

Currently listening to: BLESS - L'Arc~en~Ciel

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