まだ早いのか、そんなに飾ってる家がない。もしくは経済悪化の結果かな?either way, the number of houses that were actually decorated on the outside were quite few. many had christmas tress visible from the outside but not too many houses had lights around the house. でも、結構キレイに飾ってる家も何件か。趣味が出るのか、きれいなのもあれば、ケバイのもあり、色々あった。センスのいいところはすごくキレイだったね。
overall, it seems as though the houses that aren't really seemingly expensive tend to do the most decorating. looking at really expensive areas, there are either no decorations or very minimal decorations. why is that?? are the rich people too cheap to invest in decorations?? だから、飾りを見るなら、そこそこミドルクラスのところに行かないとね。
Currently listening to: I'll Be Home For Christmas - Bing Crosby
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