the bf and his family are selling the house. so in preparation, they had decided to repaint the entire house. 大変だよね。だから、私も手伝うことに。ペンキ塗りって以外と重労働だね。and it's really difficult to get the paint on the stucco evenly. but we did get a lot done. 後もう少しで外壁が終わる。その後の細かい作業はまだ残ってるみたいだけど。
i think the worst part of painting is the sun. 暑いけど、脱ぐと日焼けしちゃうから脱げない。ugh... so annoying. while i spent most of the time wearing a jacket, there were just some points where it was just too hot so i ended up in a short sleeve. なるべく日陰を狙って仕事してました。(笑)
でも、すっごい楽しかった。犬もいるんだけど、遊びながらペンキ塗りしてた。えへへ。彼ともいっぱい時間過ごせたし、よかったです。plus, he took me to kinokuniya afterward so it's all good. haha.
Currently listening to: Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
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