さて、今年のクリスマスは祖母が一緒です。this entails some good things and bad things. good = my mom isn't as annoying and she doesn't get mad as much. reason being that she kinda spends a lot of time complaining about my grandma. そんなにイヤなら、呼ばなきゃいいのにね。bad = my grandma is annoying as well. or, it's tough being nice to her since no one else really is. 誰もあまり相手しないから暇みたいだし。ugh...
it also sucks cuz both my grandma and my sister are sick. and now, my mom is complaining that she might be getting sick as well. ホントうるさいんですけどぉ。and bc of all the coughing going on, it's hard to get a good nights' rest. *sigh* あと、今年のクリスマスは彼には会えないので、さびしいです。家のことで忙しいのはわかるけど、あんまりほっておくと浮気しちゃうぞぉ。ま、でも、手作りのクリスマスカードをくれたので、何気に満足です。えへへ。
Currently listening to: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
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