Thursday, June 3, 2010


sometime last week, (i forget when. it was in class) i saw the movie Babel. wanted to see it for a long time since it was so hyped about when it was released. 見た後の感想は...いいけど、謎が多すぎ。最後の最後で何も分からない。

it takes place in 4 different countries, all related to each other on some level, although it may not be obvious at first. Morroco, Japan, United States, and Mexico. スケールがでかいのは確か。それも加わって本当に結構面白いと思った。the japan part was crazy. 菊池凛子の役柄が何がしたいのか今一わかんなかった。どんだけ欲求不満やねんって感じ。ちょっとウザかったかも。

and seriously, what is up with that ending?? (if you haven't watched the movie, you won't get this) what was written in that letter? what happened to that boy?? his brother??? what about those 2 children in the States???? マジで謎多すぎ。終わりぐらいきちっと終わって欲しい。argh

Currently listening to: New World - w-inds.

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