Monday, January 26, 2009


so, tonight after dinner, one of my roommates and i were playing scrabble. he's really good and actually helped me out a bit and i still lost... -_- あれって結構ムズイよね~。anyways, i used the word "cozy" and got 63 points in one turn!!! isn't that awesome?? haha (how i still lost is a mystery...)

最近彼とも遊ぶようになった。ハマると結構たのしいね。which reminds me of a story. i was playing scrabble with the roomie when he mentioned the word queef. with that word and the fact that we were playing scrabble, i remembered a story that goes something like this....

a guy was having dinner with his gf's family and after dinner, they decided to play scrabble. the guy noticed that he was able to make the word queef in a really good spot that would get him big points. after some debate, he decided to go with it. the father, upon looking at the word said, "hmmm... i don't think i know that word. let me go look it up." after coming back,the father just said, "i think we're good for the night...

lol, right?? anyways, turned out the roomie didn't know what queef was. so i had to explain it to him and he started crapping up like crazy. for those of you who don't know what it is, click here. めっちゃ笑えた夜でした。

Currently listening to: She will be loved - Maroon5


新しい連続ドラマの季節がやってきた~!i'm so excited, aren't you?? there are quite a few that i am looking forward to :)
たとえば、「メイちゃんの執事」。the plot itself looks cute and interesting but there's another reason. そ・れ・は!以前このブログで紹介した佐藤健が出演してるからです!!かっこいい~。(笑)
後は、「キイナ~不可能犯罪捜査官~」。これは、私が大好きな「ザ!世界仰天ニュース」などを基に実際起こった事件を取り扱っているドラマだ。just that description right there makes it sound interesting, eh? lol
最後に、「リセット」。this is something that i watched the first episode of and thought might be good. it was quite scary. and i like scary :) ま、簡単に言うと、人生をリセットできるという話。毎回登場人物が違うので、これも楽しみだ。

there are a lot more new doramas coming out that look good but those are my top 3 for now. we'll see how this changes but they all look quite promising.

Currently listening to: CHaNGe THe WoRLD - MiCHi

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Movie Night

yesterday was MLK day :) yeay! i spent the entire day with my bf. i hope everyone had a good one as well. so, yesterday, went to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "Bride Wars". i like both, decently. Benjamin Button was a but too slow for me. i like more fast-paced stuff. lol. たいくつしちゃう。(笑)bride wars was pretty damn funny. i think you'll like it if you're a girl. オトコにはあんまり分からない世界かも。女の子にとって結婚式は大事だからね。inauguration day today!! Barack Obama is now our 44th president :) isn't that great? hopefully, he keeps good on his words and there will be some major changes. good ones too. 私の母は正直言ってオバマはキライらしいんだけど。ま、市民じゃないんだからどうこう言っても仕方ないと思うけどね。あ!!羞恥心が解散した!紅白出て、目標果たせたから終わりだって。結構スキだったからショック。apparently, there will be other hexagon projects to continue but i doubt any of them will be as good as 羞恥心。上地雄輔さん、野久保直樹さん、つるの剛士さん、お疲れ様でした。Currently listening to: 弱虫サンタ - 羞恥心

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Triage = トリアージ

もう大学3年。そろそる就職を考える季節である。and, as many people probably do as well, i have a couple of friends who are pre-med. these people still have a lot of schooling ahead of them. and when i think of what they have in store for themselves, i can't help but think...

最近、医療関係の番組をよく見る。「コード・ブルー」と「世界仰天ニュース」もそのうちに入る。最初に「世界仰天ニュース」から。they had a 妊娠スペシャル and
i was watching it with the bf. in japan, there aren't that many 産婦人科医 because of how busy they are and because there is a constant fear of bring sued. コレってどうなの?まだ母親じゃないから分からないのかも知れないけど、すぐ「医療ミス!!」って言う日本人はどうかしてると思う。医者と患者は信頼があるはずでしょ?だったらすぐ訴えるのはおかしいと思う。。。
i just finished watching 「コード・ブルー」 and it was pretty good. and it was also very sad. in one scene, one of the doctors is in charge of triage. does everyone know what that is? it's a system in which colors are used to prioritize patients and treatments in the case of a huge disaster so that as many people can be saved. そこで、新垣結衣の役の医者がそれをやっていた。そこに妻と娘に付き添われた男性が運ばれた。he was pretty bad and she determined that he would be the next to go by helicopter to the nearest hospital. でも、その後容態が急変し結局乗せないことにした。ヘリに中でもたないと思われたからだ。triage
娘は医者にこういった「なんで?助かるかもしれないじゃない?どんな権利があってあなたが決めてるの?父を見殺しにするの?」と。at that point, i felt really bad for the doctor. of course she wants to help as many as possible. for that to happen, sacrifices need to be made. but... if i were in that girl's position, would i have been so understanding. もし、彼がそういうことになって、「助からないからもう諦めてください」といわれたらわたしは、「はい。そうですか。」といえるだろうか。多分、いえない。life is unfair. i don't think i can be that understanding. even though i know that there is nothing much that can't be done, i would still want them to try. i wouldn't just want them to let him die.

矛盾してるね。難しすぎる。i just hope that i will never be in such a vulnerable position.

Currently listening to: 声 - Mr. Children

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


昨日は結構久しぶりにカラオケ行ってきた。but we were only there for a little less than an hour. haha. but it was fun. 結構ヒドイ音痴な私。ソレを一時間聞いているかわいそうな彼。あはは。でも楽しい。it's not like he's not used to it. i sing horribly in the car all the time. :)

「残酷な天使のテーゼ」を歌ってみた。チョームズかった~。very fast paced. lol. 呼吸困難。(笑)but you know what, they still don't have 「PROMiSE」 by MiCHi. grrrr. i want to sing that but can't.... 残念。

この後は「コード・ブルー」のスペシャルを見る!!チョー楽しみ。the series itself was really good. :) the bf liked it because 戸田恵梨香 was in it. hmph. lol. 山Pもかっこよかった~。男前。but his hair style was kinda funky. i like his old short one better. not that curly mess. haha. でも、本当にドラマ自体よかった。だからスペシャルにも期待大!裏切られないといいな~。
Currently listening to: HANABI - Mr. Children

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Buca di Beppo and Role Models

last night was my friend's 21st birthday party and a group of 20 something of us went out for dinner and a movie. first, we ate at Buca di Beppo, an italian chain restaurant. ココの店の特徴は量が多いこと。sharing is their main theme, it seems. だから、皆で何品か取って分けた。でも、先に出たパンを食べ過ぎてあんまり他のものは食べれなかったな~。(笑)either way, it wasn't that great so whatever.
next, we decided to watch role models. a bit late, you say? yea. but it was for $2 so it was fine. 2ドルで映画を大画面で見るのはイイね~。あはは。安い安い。and it was really funny too. in a perverse way. pretty much everything that was being uttered seemed to have some sexual connotation to it. haha. もう本当に普通のことでもそうだった。めっちゃ笑えた。
after the movie, we went back to the birthday girls place and opened up gifts. the gift i chipped in for was a fun and some bottles of vodka. hip hip hurray for being able to be drunk out of your mind legally now, right??

Currently listening to: 君想い - GReeeeN

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Thousand Splendid Suns

so good. so sad.

i'm sure many of you have heard of "The Kite Runner". it was a bestseller and it became a movie. read and saw it. book was better. well, i love that book. :) so, when i heard that the author had come out with a second book, i was dying to read it. i finally got myself a copy and borders a couple of days ago. まだ読み終わってないけど、it's really really good. i definitely recommend it. でも、マジで切なくなる。悲しいよ。it's based in afghanistan so obviously, there's a lot of warfare and dying.

i like sad stories. maybe i'm a depressed person. who knows? だからやっぱ今回の本も好き。だって、The Kite Runner もめちゃめちゃ悲しかったしね。seriously, read it.

tomorrow is my friends birthday party~ :) 楽しみ♪

Currently listening to: Where is the love? - The Black Eyed Peas

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

結婚式 = Wedding :: 結婚 = Marriage

最近そういうことを結構考える。it's not just those specific topics. just about my future. and obviously those are a part of it. で、思うこと。結婚式は早めに挙げたい。でも、結婚は別にそんなに急いでない。bit of an irony there. でも、なるべく若い時に結婚式は挙げたい。just so that i'm not so much of a hideous sight to look at. apparently, i become more ブサイク as a i get older. lol. so yea. trying to keep my wedding guests from going blind. aren't i nice? :)
もちろん、結婚するなら今の彼氏と!!って思う私ですが、正直一緒に住むってあんまり想像できない。it's not that i want to. but we both have lots of こだわりs that would be hard to let go of. やっぱ結婚式と結婚生活は違うんだろうな~って思う。一緒に住むって大変だもん。but i have a feeling that we'll be able to do it, right?? :)
Currently listening to: Ti Amo - Exile

Monday, January 5, 2009


今日お仕事に行ったら、supervisor の supervisor (what does that make her to me??) が日本のお土産として飴をたくさん持ってきてた。naturally, i took a look at what was available. and these were what caught my eye: :)かわいくない?i thought they were really adorable. めっちゃちっちゃいねん!あはは。カワユス。(笑)味はというと...they weren't too good. lol. cute nonetheless.

Currently listening to: 今宵、月が見えずとも - ポルノグラフィティ


my supervisor is still not back from her vacation. she's in japan. お土産もしくはお年玉期待したらダメかな?(笑)去年はお年玉もらえたんだけどな~。well, a girl can wish, right??
so, since my supervisor is on vacation, i have to work for her supervisor. this is boring as heck. she asks for so much. マジ大変。i'd much rather be working for my supervisor.
i wonder if this is what working in the real world would be like... i still don't know what i want to do yet. rawr. this is so annoying. i'm a third year already. 人生どうしよう...ソレより深刻なのが今晩の晩御飯。ただいま4時半前。i have no clue what to make for dinner. lol. this is what sucks about living on your own and having no means of transportation. -_-
ま、将来に話を戻しまして。最悪イヤな仕事に就いたとしても、プライベートが充実してたらいい。that's worst case. of course, it'll be nice if i had an awesome job too. but if that's asking for too much, i don't mind have a sucky job. 例えば、今の彼とこのままず~っと続けばいいな~って思う。:) 結婚して、家買って、二人でいろいろ旅とかしたいな。i want to go to different places around the world but he's the type to like road trips so hopefully, we can do both. i don't mind roadtrips. as long as i can shower everyday. i hate being dirty. lol
Road Trip!!!

Fiji~~~ :)


Currently listening to: LOVE LOVE LOVE - Dreams Come True

Friday, January 2, 2009


ってもう2日過ぎてますけど...あけおめです!wow. 2008 went by fast. i can't believe i only have 2 more days of winter break... -_- 早すぎ!!(笑)


Currently listening to: SMILEY - 大塚愛