Wednesday, March 30, 2011


the bf and i have been dating for nearly 4 years now. で、未だに夜は毎日電話で話す。(はい。ラブ×2です。えへ。)so, we were talking last night and i decided to give another shot at trying to get the bf a little more cooperative in the bed.

so i tried persuading him. で、返ってきたのが、「どういう風なのがいいの?」分から~ん。but he keeps saying that since i should have an idea of what i want, i need to tell him exactly what kind of things i want him to say.... it was soooooooo embarrasing.... でも、そういうのが良かったり...(笑)

the bf also told me the things he wants to do. 何か、最近読んでるSM漫画から色々とヒントを得てるみたいですね。things like blindfolds, ball gags, etc. だって。これから色々大変かも!?


Currently listening to: ありがとう - いきものがかり

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Life

is ridiculously busy right now. there's work, my mom's work, and stuff about cleaning up my house. and of course, i want to spend time with the bf. マジで疲れてます。色々あるけど、リア充からは程遠い悲しい私です。

so, the boss decided to take a spring break and is gone for half of this week. which means that even though today was supposed to be my day off, i had to go into work. めっちゃ働きました。超疲れました。頭痛いぐらい。知恵熱出るかも!?(笑)seriously, i wonder why the heck we're so busy....what's worse is that today, the construction company also came to do some fix ups. which meant that i had to be home since no one else could. 仕方ないから、会社はチョイ遅刻で。seriously, why is my life so hectic...

Currently listening to: Distance - 西野カナ

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bottega Louie

went out for breakfast today with my mom. it's not like i wanted to but my mom keeps insisting so i went. i would much rather have a late morning. ま、でも何か前々から連れて行きたいって言われてたから、早く起きていくことに。

this place is right smack in the middle of downtown. で、めっちゃオシャレでしたね。やっぱ値段も違いますしね。i got their smoked salmon bagle and my mom got their apple danish. the food was really good. i mean, the salmon was really fresh and the cream cheese was really smooth. ついでだからショーウインドウに並ぶケーキも買って見ることに。i think we got the hazlenut brownie, cream puff looking thing, and creme brulee tart. 多分全部で$50近くしたと思う。高いよね。but i think it's a good experience. i might want to go again if its for other than breakfast. they don't have too many options for breakfast. でも、かわいいお店でした。
Currently listening to: spiral - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Monday, March 21, 2011


apparently, today was the birthday of a friend of my bf's. i'm not that close to him so it's kinda iffy as to whether i consider him a friend or not. anyways, so we decided to go over to his house to celebrate. で、それがなぜか家で料理して、飲んで、ゲームする事だったみたい。ま、別に他は男4人だから、何しようがいいけどさ。

so, apparently they decided to make spaghetti. 殆ど料理経験が無い男どもが3人集うとエライことになりますね。(笑)ま、それをただただ見ていたわたしですが。手伝い気にもなりません。えへへ。

it was just pasta, nothing you can mess up on, so it came out okay. bought way more food then necessary. 馬鹿よね。だから言ったのに。ま、後はそこの家族で味わって下さいみたいな感じになったけど。

we also bought some alcohol. i had one beer. the jamaican one in a funky looking bottle. 何か、いまいち。i really don't like beer too much. especially if its really bitter. 今までで一番よかったのは生のキリンだね。so i had one of that and a cup of uv vodka lemonade with 7up. the vodka wasn't that great but it went pretty well with the 7up. lol.
一応それなりに楽しんでいたのに、母からの電話で家路につくことに。何か、ぜんそくと気管支炎がどうやらとかで。ugh. i swear, she really hates it when i go out... so we had to leave early. sorry guys..

Currently listening to: ALONE EN LA VIDA - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


almost got into a car accident today... it was seriously really scary. my brakes locked up and everything. ホントに絶対当たるって思っちゃったもん。
i was driving in chinatown when the car in the opposing lane trying to make a left turn starts making the turn. まだ交差点までは余裕があったから、その人が曲がり終えたらそのまままっすぐ行けると思ったの。でも、急に交差点の真ん中で停まったの。i totally freaked and slammed my brakes. even with that, i still had to swerve a little to avoid hitting the car. apparently, the idiot driver decided to turn without checking for pedestrians. で、実際曲がり始めてから歩行者に気付いたみたいね。ばっかじゃねぇの!?最初にちゃんと見ろよ!すっごい迷惑。it's freaking chinatown. how could there not be any pedestrians!? 朝からホントにサイアク。すっごいビビッちゃった。

at least i was able to avoid the accident, right? i mean, even if i did hit him, it wouldn't be my fault, right??

Currently listening to: SPIRAL - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


日本って未だに古風な感じが残されてる部分が多いと思う。the kind of society in which a patriarchy rules. in our society, there is a tradition of ladies first and whatnot. i'm not saying that our society has complete equality. we're actually far from it. でも、日本はもっとそういう男女差別がクッキリ現れてると思う。

男を立てる。とか、三歩下がって歩く。とか、女の仕事なんて、受付かお茶くみぐらい。そんなのが結構当たり前な日本。i used to hate that about japan. watching my aunt and stuff, it was irritating. 子供ながらに絶対超自立したイイ女になってやる!って思ってた。
でも、実際年を重ねるにつれて、そういう日本の部分を少しだけ理解し始めている私がいる。i'm not saying that every aspect is understandable. just some. 例えば、私の家で彼が食べるときは、なるべく彼の好きなものを多く食べれるように、自分は我慢してみたり。そんな感じ。やっぱ、自分の彼は幸せにしたいって気持ちが先に出ちゃう。so i'll do things or make him do things that will make him look better in the eyes of the people around us. そういう男を立てるのもいいことだと思えるようになってきた。そこはやっぱ日本人なのかな?それとも年をとったて事かな?わかんない。

Currently listening to: 砂時計 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Sunday, March 13, 2011


やっと手に入りましたぁ~!うれしいです。but it was so expensive. $120+. haha. i'm so poor now....

オルゴールはflowerでした。i kinda wanted あなた so i'm kinda sad. i love that song. but flower is a really good song too, so i guess its fine. can't wait to start listening to the cds.

で、CD買いに行った際に駐車場で事故っちゃいました。一人でだけど。i hit the pole next to me with my passenger side mirror and it kinda snapped off.... so now i have no side mirror on that side. which really bites. it's really scaring driving without my side mirror. but it's my fault so i can't really complain.

Currently listening to: いばらの涙 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Friday, March 11, 2011


地震。最初にラジオでのニュースを聞いた時はなんとも思わなかった。i mean, it's japan. earthquakes happen all the time. でも今回は違った。テレビで被害の映像や話題を見、到底人事では無い気持ちになる。ものすごく心苦しい。

my mom's parents are in kansai, so there wasn't any damage. i'm more scared for my dad's side. they live in hokkaido, which is relatively close to the epicenter. 揺れもそうだけど、津波が心配。父は大丈夫だろうとは言ってるけど、、、

改めて地震の怖さを教えられた気がする。of course, there was haiti just last year too. but, no offense to anyone from haiti or has friends/family in haiti, this hits closer to the heart. 何をどう転んでも私は日本人なの。だからやっぱり、日本のほうが優先順位が上。


Currently listening to: twinkle twinkle - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Thursday, March 10, 2011


昨日は食べ過ぎちゃった。i had やまやfor lunch. they have rice, takana, and mentaiko okawari free so i had two bowls of rice. plus my main dish (ホルモンとキャベツの味噌炒め ウマシ) so i had a lot of food for lunch.

and at night, i went out to BJs with the bf for dinner. it was late and i wasn't really hungry but i wasn't full. だから、そこそこ食べれるかなぁなんて思ったのが甘かったですね。there were a couple different things we wanted to try. i got the tomato bisque soup and a mini cheese/tomato/onion deep dish pizza (it was really pepperoni and onions but the stupid waiter messed up... (-_-;) )で、彼はgourmet mac & cheese と chili cheese burger を頼んだ。結構な量が来ましたねぇ。the soup was really good :) でも、後はまぁまぁかな?とにかく、チーズが多いし、何もかもが濃いかったね。
so i had a lot of food, and guess what??

... i threw up. 初めてですね。マジで食べすぎで吐いちゃいました。彼には吐くまで食べるなんてありえないとちょっぴり引かれました。ガーーン。食べすぎ注意ですね。

Currently listening to: Euphoria - 柴咲コウ

Monday, March 7, 2011


の彼の休日。i swear he's always working nowadays. it's a good thing that his shop is really busy and all but we get like no quality time together. especially since i work weird hours too. それと後はウチの母ね。アイツが居ると何処もいけないしね。

so today, he got a day off. i mean, we were able to spend a lot of time together but we had to do a bunch a stuff for my mom. lameeeeeeee. だから、ゆっくり二人で時間を過ごせたのは夜だけ。超残念。


Currently listening to: I'm Coming Home - J.Cole

Friday, March 4, 2011


i was soooo busy at work yesterday.... like not even funny busy. そういう時に限って上司は来ないしよ。サイアク。仕事せぇボケっ! i was seriously drained yesterday.
there were piles of different files on my desk and i had to slowly drudge through all of them. it was tiresome as hell. and my boss and my mom were constantly calling me. -__- ウルサイしウザイ。しかも、何気に眠気は襲ってくるし、背中は若干痛いし。お仕事は大変です。社会人マジリスペクト。(笑)

man, i feel like i haven't had fun in ages... my week is usually gone with work and cleaning up the house. (yes, we're still trying to clean the house from the moving) 今週末は母が仕事で家を空ける時間が長いので、ラッキー♪ゆっくりしよ。

Currently listening to: What the Hell - Avril Lavigne