Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 Days of Jury Duty

as a proud (?) U.S. citizen, i did my duty and served jury duty. in reality, it was boring as hell and i hope i never have to do it again. but that'll probably not happen. i hear once you get called, you'll be called in over and over. めんどくさいな。ホント超絶に暇だったんだもん。結局何もしなかったし。

so, i got selected as one of the prospective jurors for a trial. it took until the second day to get excused. その間、超暇。was able to get a lot of reading done tho. anyways, the trial was for an attempted murder. i actually saw the guy. もう、めちゃめちゃ若かった。少年法に値するんじゃないのかと思うぐらい。ま、罪が罪なだけに大人として扱われてるのかもだけどね。but yea, it felt a bit awkward. 何回か目が合った気がする。自分よりは絶対年下。こんな年でもう人生終わったなって感じ?ちょっとかわいそうだけど、本当にヤってたら、罪は償うべきだしね。

omg, serving jury duty is so inconvenient. parking is so far and the judges never begin things on time. you seriously have no clue when to be ready. at least i'm now good for a year.

Currently listening to: マル・マル・モリ・モリ! - 薫と友樹、たまにムック

Sunday, June 26, 2011

ホンダ屋City of Industry

went here last night with the bf, my bestie, and her bf. the bestie insisted she wanted honda-ya so we went to the city of industry one. 初めてです。小東京のは何回か行ったことあるけど、こっちのほうが新しいし、行く方向と逆だからか行った事が無い。

it really is similar to the one in little tokyo. we sat in the tatami section. not good. sooo uncomfortable.... で、私はもう事前にご飯食べてたから、少々つまむことに。山芋そうめんと豆腐サラダ。それに花泡かというお酒。it was sparkling sake. 結構飲みやすくておいしかった。drank the entire bottle by myself. lol.

since this was the first time meeting the bestie's bf, it was really fun. he seemed like a nice guy :) 今回はもうちょっと長続きしてほしいね。

Currently listening to: キセキ - GReeeeN

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Hangover Part II

couldn't decide on whether to watch hangover 2 or super 8. ended up going for hangover 2 tho, since we thought super 8 would be crowded. なんか、1より良くないって聞いていたから、正直あんまり期待していなかった。でも、想像以上に面白かったし良かったと思う。

it was really funny. i mean, there were a lot more darker parts to it, like i heard, but it was still good. the whole patter was exactly the same as the first one. maybe, more of a twist would have helped. ま、でも、分かりやすくていいのかも?しかしまぁ、バンコクは衝撃的ですな。the place where the wedding was being held seemed like a really pretty place. maybe it was phuket? that's thailand, right??? でも、バンコクってすごいね。ちょっと汚らしいかも。but it seems like a really intersting place. it's a transvestite heaven so... lol. stu was great. :) i thought teddy was cute. mason lee. but his acting is a bit awkward. もうちょっとうまくやってほしいですね。

it was good. would definitely watch it again if i had the chance.

Currently listening to: GOOD LUCK MY WAY - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Thursday, June 23, 2011


so, i'm trying to put together a report for that UCLA Anderson Forecast thing i went to last week. man, it's hard... てか、めんどくさい。訳さなきゃいけないから尚のこと。この訳すのはホントいやになってきた。apparently, in this section, i'm the most adept at it. でもなぁ、別に専門に勉強した訳ではないから、あんまり頼らないでほしい。自分でやれぇぇぇぇ!!

on the other hand, i finally got my id card for work. after almost a week and a half.. -_- ホントなら、一日で出来上がるみたいだけど、全然届かなくて、昨日やっときた。apparently, the security people that make these cards were so unorganized that the guy in charge actually got fired... 怖い。ま、それを私のせいと言われたら、完全なる逆恨みだよねぇ。私悪くないもん。自分でちゃんとしなかったのが悪いんだよ!お願いだから復習しに来ないで。

no it's not....

Currently listening to: Moves Like Jagger (feat. Christina Aguilera) - Maroon 5

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HH @ Chaya

last night, i had HH (happy hour) with my coworkers for the first time. the venue was Chaya. 初めてです。会社から歩いていける距離だから楽でした。i think they validate for parking but i'm not sure. regardless, i could use my parking at my workplace for free so i just used that and walked.

結構高かったかも。一品一品はそうでもないけど、お酒とか頼むとね。i had one mango bellini (champagne and mango puree) and that was it. でも、他の皆さんが結構アルコール・飲み物頼んでたから、最終的にはみんなで$160チップ込みになった。割り勘だから、あんまり飲んでないと損だね。(笑)but i was driving so i really couldn't drink, even if i wanted to.

there was yakitori, and some other happy hour dishes. i think we got sweet potatoe fries (pretty good), kobe beef bbq melt (really good!!), king salmon salad (mmm... delicious), corn with feta cheese (eh), etc. we also got dessert, which was really good. ま、結構色々頼んだね。でも、色々お話とか出来て楽しかった。only thing was when the other three people were talking about the people at work and i had no clue what they were talking about. まだ全員覚えてないからね..ま、次回が楽しみだね!

Currently listening to: I Wanna Go - Britney Spears

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day?

today is father's day. and what am i doing? chauffeuring my mom around... -___- 今日に限ってなんか、色々行くところが。we went to torrance and long beach. this is kinda how my day went:

first, we go bowling. left the house around 10. ボウリング場でたらもうすぐ12時ぐらいに。we head over to torrance cuz my mom wanted to go to omaha steaks for some sale they had. we eat lunch before going to the omaha steaks places since we were all pretty hungry. 久しぶりに近江ささやのうどんでした。絶品!and then, we go to omaha but they don't have what my mom wants. so she decides to go to their long beach store. -___- でも、その前にミツワとマルカイによってから行ったから、ロングビーチに着いたころにはもうすでに3時過ぎ。we did shopping some more and finally head home. by the time we get home, it's close to 5. 一日を無駄にした感たっぷり。*sigh*

i seriously need to move out...

Currently listening to: 瞳の住人 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Friday, June 17, 2011


仕事場で雨漏りです。well, i'm not sure if its rain water... but apparently, half our office is raining. lol. i think there's water coming from upstairs or something. 自分で見てないから分からないけどね。てか、今見てきましたぁ。すごいです。

there's so much water on the floor. and there's still water leaking so they've placed trashcans to catch the water. a lot of peoples' desks are dripping wet. 後片付けも大変だね。見ててちょっとかわいそう。。。i think someone said its the sprinklers that broke, or something like that. either way, it really bites. some of the ceiling has also come out. they're the tile-like things and i guess the water slowly ate away at them? 私のところは何とか大丈夫でした。

Currently listening to: She Ain't You - Chris Brown

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

UCLA Anderson Forecast

had to go to UCLA this morning to attend the Anderson Forecast. man, it was boring. しかも、朝は早くに起きないといけなかったし。=_= 眠いです。

overall, it was somewhat interesting. pretty fastpaced, so not as bad as i had expected. 経済学者さんたちも結構ユーモアがあって、そこそこ面白かったけど、とにかく眠かった。the economists were kinda bickering about who was right and who was wrong and it was seriously pretty funny. but waking up at 5 a.m. totally killed me. the only good thing out of this whole thing was that i got to eat smoked salmon at the breakfast served. ohh yeaaaa. :)

Currently listening to: winter fall - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Monday, June 13, 2011


it has been way too long. but that's not entirely my fault. blogger was acting kinda funky everytime i tried to log in. ま、遊んでたからいいけどさ。

so, i had two weeks of pure fun! :) so, my friend in germany came back and i also had two weeks off work. だから、そのコと結構遊びましたね。遊んだと言っても、ほとんど映画やテレビ見ながらおしゃべりしたりしてただけだけどね。あっ!後、ちょっぴりセフレみたいになっちゃいました。>.< 彼がいいって言ってるからいいんだけどね。彼のエッチもいいけど、セフレ君とのエッチも結構...just that he seemed to have a hard time keeping it up. lol. なんか、知ってる(友達って意味)と変なんだって~。

anyways, the movies i watched: thor, little fockers, the dilemma, green hornet, true grit, no strings attached, defiance. i think that's all of them. all of them besides thor were redbox rentals. ほとんど面白かったよ。最近映画あんま見てないから楽しかったね。

aaaanddddd, LAS VEGAS!!! just came back yesterday. it was so much fun!! stayed at vdara, which is a pretty new hotel and really nice. the bf said trump was better. でも、結構ストリップの中心に位置してたから、場所的には良かったね。oh, and i won like $125 when i put in $20, so that was good! and i got a $50 marguerita. it was sooooo goooooood. and the bf paid for it. haha. 高いね。ありがと。


Currently listening to: 君って - 西野カナ