Tuesday, June 30, 2009



少女漫画の読みすぎ?maybe. でも、憧れちゃう。言葉攻めがスキってことは相当Mなのかな?

Currently listening to: 遠くても feat. WISE - 西野カナ


マジヤバイ!(笑)最近ずっ~と食べすぎだからね。ダイエットせねば...seriously. i've been eating just not breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but i've also been having 3時のお茶。which means... CAKE! コレがまたおいしいの!i try to opt for something that doesn't look as fattening. but.... it's still pretty fattening.ご飯もおいしいし。ついつい食べ過ぎちゃう。so, i'm going on a diet. eat less and healthier. no snacking for a while. especially sweets. ガマン我慢。がんばれ私!

Currently listening to: 遥か - GReeeeN

Sunday, June 28, 2009


that was the title of the "letter" my grandma wrote to my grandpa. it's almost been 9 months since he disappeared last october. i wonder how he's doing....

「こころの手紙」って言う雑誌に投稿したんだって。家族の誰にも見せてないらしい。なぜ私にだけ見せたのかはちょっと謎。but i literally cried reading it. it was so sad. she was writing about how she misses him and doesn't know why he left. it seemed really intimate and i felt like i was intruding into their personal lives. でも、ちょっとおばあちゃんに対してのイメージが変わった。

so, i decided to write a short letter myself:

hey you. we've known each other for a long time, but we've only been going out for a little over 2 years. 付き合うまでは色々あって、最初は正直戸惑った。貴方は年下だし、経験なんて私よりあったし、最後に傷つくとなったら私かなって思った。だから、今だから言うけど、最初は結構軽い気持ちで付き合い始めた。but now, i can truthfully say that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. you know me even better than myself and have always been there for me, through thick and thin. i know i haven't always been the best girlfriend. でも、貴方はいつもそばに居てくれてわがままを聞いてくれた。ありがとう。この先の長い人生、一緒に過ごせたらいいな。これからもよろしくね。そして、ひとつだけお願いがあります。私より先に死なないでね。突然目の前から居なくならないでね。お願い。

Currently listening to: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today, I was supposed to take a 1.5 hour plane ride from Osaka to Hakodate (Hokkaido) but I ended up going to the wrong airport and so had to take a 10 hour train ride instead, switching trains 3 times in the process. Ended up in Hakodate at 1 a.m. FML
should i try submitting this?? lol. it's trueee. haha. 昨日はめっちゃ疲れた。大変だった。だって、航空券予約したときは伊丹空港って言ったのに関空発になってるんだもん。で、伊丹に行ったらもちろん、乗れない。sooo annoying. since we had rail passes, we decided to go by train. -_- ま、確かめなかった自分も悪いんだけどね。

currently in hakodate. i hope to eat lots of good food! especially since the seafood here is delicious :)

Currently listening to: 千の風になって - 秋川雅史

Thursday, June 25, 2009


昨日は神戸の方に行ったけど、i ended up not buying anything. just manga. lol. で、夜は従兄弟と飲み会~♪

めっちゃ飲む同い年の従兄弟(女)。晩御飯から数えると、ビール4缶、芋焼酎1杯。that's a lot! seriously. i just had 1 can of チューハイ。ビールキライだもん。and we talked quite a bit. 恋愛、ガッコ、将来、家族、友達、etc. etc. it was fun :) we ended up talking till around 2 a.m. and then she left to shower and i left to sleep. i woke up at 6 this morning. =_=. lol. honey, i'll tell you more about it when i get back :]
明日は北海道。函館です!楽しみ♪ 食いまくるぞっ!very excited to not have to work for my uncle for a while. it's not that i don't want to. but i kinda want a break now. just to have a bit of fun. so, for now, i'm very excited!Currently listening to: What I've Done - Linkin Park

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

was actually pretty good. suprisingly. megan fox is looking sluttier than ever. i guess that's a good thing for the guys. 字幕で見たから、英語でちゃんと見れた。でも、字幕だと、面白さがいまいち日本語につたわらない。だから、一人で笑ってた。(笑)

i actually thought it wouldn't be as great the first one but it was actually just as good if not better. but since it was a late night showing, there weren't as mean people in the theater. better for me. but because it's 指定席、there was some stranger sitting right next to me too. -_-

明日は神戸!買い物いくぜ。彼のお土産を探さないと。you wanted some toy that uses usb drive, right? ま、探してみますね。and maybe some clothes too. :)

それと、明日は従兄弟と飲み会~。ちょっと楽しみ♪ だって、全然ゆっくりしゃべれてないからね。久しぶりにいっぱいしゃべれる。なぜか飲むみたいだけどね。

Currently listening to: Don't Say "Lazy" - 桜軽音部

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Transformers and Hellboy

見ました!Transformers was on tv. it was pretty good. but the damn thing was 3 hours long and had lost of commercials. ウザイぞ!was kinda sleepy too. so i kinda missed out on the good part where they began fighting. lol. 意味ねぇ。overall, it was pretty good tho. i though megan fox looked pretty hot. except in real life. haha.
i also watched Hellboy II: the Golden Army. そこそこ面白かった。i haven't seen the first Hellboy movie tho. でも、普通に見れたね。it was a good action flick. not something i'd actually pay to see in the theaters tho. but if it's a rental, i guess.
日本に来て全然遊んでないぞ。お仕事ばっか。(笑)but apparently, my uncle'll take me shopping in kobe on wednesday. i want some new cute tops, maybe a skirt, and some new lingerie :) 楽しみにしてね♪

Currently listening to: Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Saturday, June 20, 2009

In-flight Movies

so, instead of sleeping, i spent much of my time during the flight watching the in-flight movies available on my personal tv. i watched a total of 3 movies: 2 japanese, and 1 english. 相棒シリーズ 鑑識・米沢守の事件簿, 涙そうそう, and He's Just Not That into You.元々相棒は好きだから、スピンオフのこの映画も結構面白かったし好きだった。it was a new and different perspective from the regular aibou.
涙そうそうは思ったよりよくなかった。妻夫木聡と長澤まさみが出てたからいいかもって思ってたけど、残念でした。期待しすぎたのかな?plus, i was kinda sleepy. so towards the end, i kinda fell asleep. lol.He's Just Not That Into You was actually pretty good. i never wanted to see it when it came out in the states but since i was bored, i decided to give it a try. very cute. i like how everyone didn't end with a happy ending, like most chick flicks. その点では結構面白かった。 oh! and i definitely want a bf like Niel. 調教しなきゃ。(笑)

i'm about to watch transformers now. gots to go.

Currently listening to: Encore - Linkin Park

Friday, June 19, 2009


so, i finally made it to japan. after a 10:50 hour flight to tokyo and another 1:30 hour flight to osaka. つ~か~れ~た~。シャワーは入れないのがイヤね。しかも!!予感的中で飛行中に生理始まり~。サ・イ・ア・ク。

on the good side, the plane ride to tokyo was upgraded to business class. OMG! it was soooooooo nice. the seats were ginormous and were the kind that convert to beds. although they're probably not as comfy as first class. そして!食事もビジネスのイイやつだった!ちょーウマイ!感激。and then, when we got to tokyo, my uncle took me to eat some good ramennn. jealous, honey?? hehe.

awesome, huh?
well, for now, that's about all for the updates. had a decent trip. i'll try to keep updating. bye~

Currently listening to: 夏色 - ゆず

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Moving in

moving in to the new apartment was a lot more stressful and tiresome than i imagined. how much stuff can two girls have? is what i was thinking. the answer is, A LOT! ハンパなく多かった。っていうのも、ルームメートの方がだけどね。自分の物はやっぱりそんなになかった。but man, we were there moving stuff for nearly 12 hours!! seriously, tiring..
what sucks even more was that we couldn't get my sofa, which was at the old apartment, to fit into the elevator or stairwell at the new apartment. so we had to bring it home. もうそれが大変で。しかも、ウチのうるさい母親はめっちゃ連絡してくるし。早く帰ってご飯作って欲しかったみたい。知るかっつぅの。

ま、そんなこんなでほとんど動かせたたね。my roommate has been going back to the apartments to finish up and clean, which is really nice of her. she knows i don't have a lot of time and she's being really helpful about it. well, i'm off to japan tomorrow! can't wait!!! :)

Currently listening to: Love So Sweet - 嵐

Sunday, June 14, 2009


今日は、彼のお姉さんの卒業式でお父さんのお誕生日。so, we went out for dinner. we ended up going to an all you can eat korean bbq place. 味はまぁまぁイケるね。でも、お腹パンパン。食いすぎたぜ。the only think sucky about all you can eats. haha.
プリクラも撮りに行った~。やっぱ楽しいね~♪ it's so expensive here tho... it's way more cheaper in japan. i hope to be able to take some with my cousins when i do go to japan. too bad the bf can't be there as well...
明日は母の50歳の誕生日。half century!! damn she's old. lol.

Currently listening to: You and Me - Lifehouse

Friday, June 12, 2009


the 08/09 school year is finally over. i am officially done with my third year... that was fast. there's so much going on now. i need to get ready to move to my new apartment and i need to get ready to go to japan. 時間が経つのは早いね。あっと言う間に過ぎる。ugh, and i'm scared of what my grades are gonna be....

on the other hand, i loveeeeee our new apartment. so excited!! plus. i get to go to japan!! *dance* ちょー楽しみ♪ めっちゃ長いこと行ってないからね。久々に従兄弟とかにも会えるしね。ohhh. i wanna do lots of clothes shopping. 日本のカワイ
イものね。but nothing fobby. lol.
too bad i have no time to see my friends from high school and my old japanese school before i leave. there's just not enough time. i miss you guys tho!! お土産買わないと。あはは。

Currently listening to: Halo - Beyonce

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Disneyland & 楽

昨日、Disneyland の California Adventure 行ってきた~!楽しかった♪ i haven't been to disney since the bf's grad night and cali adventure since... i went with my friend probably around senior year of high school. so much fun :)

of course, i went on california screamin' and twilight zone: tower of terror twice! went on maliboomer for the first time, which was FUN! but only for the first few mins. the soarin' over california was really nice. hehe. あんなにキレイだとは思わなかった。ちょっと寒かったけど。but that was partially because i was soaked. lol

で、晩御飯は「楽」。リトル東京にあるヤツね。it's an izakaya. pretty good. a bit pricey. and it took a while for the food to come. even tho we were like the only ones there. lol. oh, and they kinda messed up on our order too. but i think it was pretty darn good. would definitely go back! :) 彼と他男二人の4人で行って、the bill came to $67 including tip. man, those guys were talking about cars the entire time. ちょっとつまんない。だって、訳わからんもん。

over all, yesterday was funnnnnnnnnnn. i wanted to go to cue! too but couldn't. too bad. :( maybe next time. hehe

Currently listening to: 化身 - 福山雅治

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love and Hate

some news today. good and bad. hence the title.

first up: love :) so, apparently, there's this bollywood actor who fell madly in love with a russian girl and married her and went off to russia to live with her. sounds normal, right? well, turns out, he can't speak russian and now works as a street cleaner, earning in a month what he used to make in 2 days as an actor. sad but sweet. そこまで愛されるって幸せだろうね。経験してみたいものです。it's a cute little love story, click here to read the article.

next: hate :( ever heard of Abu Ghraib? it's pretty famous. its a detention center located somewhere in the Middle East (sorry, can't remember it's exact location) that is infamous for the torture being used against it's prisoners. this was my topic for my senior year government project, so i know a decent amout about it. anyways, apparently, it's not just torture allegations but also rape and sexual abuse. there are pictures that won't be disclosed. seriously, how can people do that to other people. 信じられない。だって、別に絶対テロリストって訳でもない人だよ?もし、テロリストだったとしても、人間だよ!?フツーの神経じゃできないだろうね。こういうの聞くと人間不信になるよね。here's the article.
war never ends because of stuff like. world peace is impossible to achieve, in my opinion. who ever thinks it is should seriously be exposed to reality.

Currently listening to: カルマの坂 - ポルノグラフィティ