Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Moving in

moving in to the new apartment was a lot more stressful and tiresome than i imagined. how much stuff can two girls have? is what i was thinking. the answer is, A LOT! ハンパなく多かった。っていうのも、ルームメートの方がだけどね。自分の物はやっぱりそんなになかった。but man, we were there moving stuff for nearly 12 hours!! seriously, tiring..
what sucks even more was that we couldn't get my sofa, which was at the old apartment, to fit into the elevator or stairwell at the new apartment. so we had to bring it home. もうそれが大変で。しかも、ウチのうるさい母親はめっちゃ連絡してくるし。早く帰ってご飯作って欲しかったみたい。知るかっつぅの。

ま、そんなこんなでほとんど動かせたたね。my roommate has been going back to the apartments to finish up and clean, which is really nice of her. she knows i don't have a lot of time and she's being really helpful about it. well, i'm off to japan tomorrow! can't wait!!! :)

Currently listening to: Love So Sweet - 嵐

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