Wednesday, August 31, 2011

went to the japanese restaurant in beverly hills called Mai last night. it's a buffet and even tho it was a buffet, the place was really small. not cramped, but kinda small. でも、その分、料理のクオリティーは高かったと思う。そこいらにあるバイキングよりよっぽどおいしかった。
they had a lot of fish! 私焼き魚とか大好きだから、メッチャうれしかったですね。後はお寿司も結構品揃えが良かったですね。そのほかにも揚げのあんかけやてんぷら・フライ、おでんなど等色々ありましたね。they also had quite a few different desserts too. and because the place was small, they would only have a few of each dish out so for the most part, the food was really fresh. ま、普通の和食レストランにはちょっぴり及ばないけど、やはりバイキングにしては絶品でしたね。

Currently listening to: まだ見ぬ世界へ - 嵐

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fat Spoon

went to Fat Spoon, the new curry and pasta place in little tokyo. it was to celebrate my birthday as well as someone else's. 自分の誕生日はまだ先だけどね。anyways, quick question. what's up with japanese restaurants teaming up pasta and curry??? 日本ではそういうの無いと思う。自分は見たことが無い。でも、こっちだとなぜか大体のパスタ屋さんはカレーもやってる。like, curry house, and ducks, and akane chaya. なぜ??

anyways, so we went to fat spoon. there were 6 people total. 二人はカレー、四人はパスタと分かれた。私はパスタ。i got the shrimp and fresh basil. the others were bolognese, carbonara, and pescatore. the curry's were pork katsu curry and beef curry. most of us ended up getting a bite from most of the others so i was able to try all the pastas plus the pork katsu curry. おいしかった!和風でしたね。麺の湯で加減も絶妙。ただ、自分のパスタがイマイチでしたね。残念。でも、カルボナーラとボロネーゼがおいしかった。ペスカトーレもさっぱりでおいしかった。

they have other things, like salads and mini appetizers. i'd like to try some the next time i go!

Currently listening to: How To Love - Lil' Wayne

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


今朝、一発で出来ました!以外とバックの方が駐車しやすいけど、ついつい頭から突っ込んじゃうからね。so i usually don't park in reverse unless my mom forces me to. but today, i did it out of my own will! and it was so beautiful. straight and in one try! oh yea!!!

now, i just need to work on my parallel parking...

Currently listening to: Promise - A.N.Jell

Friday, August 19, 2011


何とな~くそんな気がする。only because i heard my new favorite song right now TWICE on the radio before getting to work! 単純だね。でも、すっごくいい曲なの!! it's Lighters feat. Bruno Mars by Bad Meets Evil. for one, i LOVE Bruno Mars. for two, i'm really beginning to like Eminem. so there two together is wonderful!


Currently listening to: Lighters feat. Bruno Mars - Bad Meets Evil

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bar Celone & 二世ウィーク

darn, it's been a while since i've updated.... 最近ちょっぴりメンドクサイなぁなんて思っております。ごめんなさい。

so, had a hang out/going away dinner for my friends this past saturday. went out to Bar Celona in Old Town Pasadena. 最初はなんか、予約が無いと座れないとか言ってたのに、結局は座れることに。意味分からないね。got a pitcher of red sangria and some tapas as well as a paella. mmmmm. delissssssssssh! the sangria was whatevs, since i'm not much of a wine fan. 運転してたから、一応1.5杯に収めておきました。the food was really good tho. i really liked it. i think this was my first try with Spanish food. but it's sticking :)

afterwards, we went to a friends house to hang out with other people that didn't come to the dinner. 高校からの友達が多かったけど、ほとんどあんまり会う機会が無いから、うれしかったね。the guy whose house we kinda took over was someone i didn't know so that was a bit awkward at first but he was really nice so had some fun.

で、日曜日は二世ウィークパレード。知ってる人が結構出ててビックリ。仕事関係の人が何人か出るって聞いていたけど、それ以上に出てたね。(笑)man, it was kinda hot at first but once the sun went down, it got cold real fast. i think they had a lot more variety in the parade than when i went 2 years ago, but the nebuta was really sad. ホントしょぼかった。ハネトさんの数も激減。「ねぶた」自体も全然小さいし盛り上がらなかったね。o well, 残念。


Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bhanu and Umami Burger

okay, despite the fact that i am very broke recently, i've been going out A LOT... not good, especially since i'm planning on eating out tomorrow night too.. *sigh* でも、仕方ないの。友達のお別れ会みたいなのだから、行かないわけにはいかないのです。大好きな友達なので、なお更。

well, so the day before yesterday, had indian food! i was really craving it and lo and behold, there's a really good one really close to me :) いや~、今まで行ってないのが疑問ですな。it's call Bhanu Indian Cuisine and Grocery. i tried their butter chicken curry and garlic naan. soooooo delish!! 今度はまた違うのも試したいですね。

last night, i got the bf to buy me some umami burger. honestly, i thought it was pretty good but wayyyy too overpriced. don't think i'll be going back again, especially since it's kiiiiiiinda far. でも、本当においしかった。日本人が経営してるのかな?結構日本人好みの味だね。just that the onion rings were really really really really really greasy.... other than that, muy delicioso. but yea, to expensive. 残念。

the manly burger, so goood!

Currently listening to: NO.1 - 安室奈美恵 feat. 川畑要

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

楽 & Perch

had some fun last night and the night before. two nights in a row of going out, that's probably a record. lol. ウチの親うるさいからね。でも、仕事だって言っておいたから何も言わなかったけどね。

on monday, went out to eat dinner with the bf. 小東京の楽に行ってきました。前にも行ったことがあるんだけど、クーポンがあったから、行ってきました。it was the groupon where we could get up to $40 of food and drinks. で、二人で食いまくり、$25ほど(チップ込み)払いました。the food was good. i gots to eat some really good oysters. 彼はどれもイマイチそうだったけどね。but that's always the case so bleh.

昨日の夜は会社の同僚と晩御飯へ。恒例のHHにお誘いを受けました。we ended up going to a new place nearby called Perch. thing is, they don't have HH... so it was a bit pricey... フレンチっぽいのが売りみたいだけど、あんまり料理の種類が無かったね。ま、出来たばっかだからしょうがないのかも知れないけど。the food was pretty good. they had some pretty funky stuff that i guess is normal for french? we got rabbit and frog. rabbit was kinda in a pate form and tasted kinda like tuna. frog, i've had before, and it's okay. not so great. it's got this weird texture to it that i can't really stomach. ちょっぴり吐きそうになりながら食べたね。other than that, i tried risotto for the first time. apparently, this one didn't have too much cheese on it, which i thought was great. 他の女子は物足りないって言ってたけど、私はおいしかったと思った。i left early so i don't know what the end price was but i am to pay back my coworkers today. あ~、怖いコワイ。金欠なのにね。(笑)

Currently listening to: 風のしらべ - ベッキー♯♪

Monday, August 8, 2011

Zenya Torrance

に行ってきました。with the bf and fam fam. was interested in trying this place out since i noticed their ad in lighthouse. 写真はおいしそうだったので。

実際結構おいしかったけど、ちょっぴり問題が何点か。ラーメンとかはホントおいしかったし、他のものも結構イケた。just that the service was kinda sucky. food took wayyy too long to come out. our ramen came, but the rice dishes took forever. しらす丼を頼んだんだけど、どう考えてもすぐ出来そうなのに、ラーメン半分以上食べてからしか出てこなかった。ugh. that got my mom really pissy, which is just annoying.

so, the food is good, but they really need to work on their service. oh, and its also kinda far. lol

Currently listening to: Lighters feat. Bruno Mars - Bad meets Evil

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Event & MC

so, my company had an event last night, and it was my first time attending such an event. 企画とかの段階から結構手伝ってたから内容的な面では結構詳しかったんですが、それでも緊張しましたね。しかも!i had to MC the event..... introducing the tops of those parties involved and giving a few words of welcome myself.... 恥ずかしかった。大変だった。everyone was really nice after and complimented me, but it was 絶対お世辞。

but overall, i think the event was really successful! it was actually a lot of fun overall. and i got to eat a bit of some really good food. 食べようと思った時にはもうすでに無いものが多かったけどね。お寿司とか。残念!

afterwards, i went out to a cafe with some of the girls from work. it's called Urth Caffe. there's apparently one in beverly hills too but this time, it was the downtown one. 周り超怪しかった。(笑)治安悪っ!みたいな。but the place was really nice and really busy. sooo many people. ガールズトークが楽しかったです!

Currently listening to: How to love - Lil' Wayne