Saturday, March 27, 2010

long weeeek

so, i haven't been on blogger in a while. haha. been a bit busy with stuff. plus, its spring break. since i haven't been here in such a long time, this is gonna be a looooong post.... 覚悟しぃや~(笑)

last friday: 風引いてほとんど一日ベッドで。。。-___- マジ最悪。i think the roomie got me sick, since she was sick at the beginning of the week. being confined to the bed sucks. but all throughout the day, i was thinking of the movie 「猫の恩返し」 that i saw the other day. it was really cute and happy. やっぱジブリやね。もう、ずっっっっっっとつじあよのの曲を鼻歌で歌ってた。
monday: my cousin came from japan :D 夏にあったけど、こっち来るのは久しぶり~。関西やからつられて関西弁連発~。あはは。楽しいわ。やっぱ。at night, we went out to drink at Applebee's with the bf and his friends. i got a martini. 別にあんまりおいしくなかった。もっとおいしいかと思ったからちょっと期待はずれ。
tuesday: KNOTT'S BERRY FARM :) 楽しかった~。マジ、はしゃぎまくった。haven't been there in ages. forgot what it was like. riding "ghost rider" gave me a headache... but the cousin liked it so we ended up riding it like 3 times. =_= お昼は...PINK'S! i did not know they made one at knott's. it was so exciting. i've been wanting to go for a while. やっぱ、ホットドッグうまし!
wednesday: we packed up all our stuff and off we went to big bear (sidetrip) and palm desert (main). DUDE, there was freakin' snow!!! haven't seen snow in ages. haha. 山道クネクネ行った甲斐がありました~。and then we got to the hotel at palm desert, the J.W. Marriott. they have this huge lake, on which they give boat tours. according to that, they have 2 huge golf courses, 2 pool areas, a lawn area for activities, a nightclub, 3 renowned restaurants, etc. すごかったよ。they had flamingos and black swans too!! ちょっぴり感動~。
thursday: 朝から最近マイ・ブームのバドミントンを遊んで、その後プール。haven't worn my bathing suit in a while. it felt so nice tho, since its so hot out there in the desert. and then we did some mini golf. ベッタやった。悲しい~。って言うか、悔しい~。and at night, the bf and i went to the jacuzzi. there was someone there already before us, but after a bit, they left. too bad the bf wanted to leave soon after... i wanted to get a little naughty ;) でも、前日に生理始まったからなぁ~。

friday: after checking out, we play a quick round of mini golf and head out. stop by morongo casino, gamble a bit, and swing around to desert hills outlet to do some shopping. めっちゃ買い物した。this day, i got a jacket, beige pants, denim shorts, a top, sandals, and a bag. dude, that's like, an entire set of clothing. lol.私がこんなに買い物するのは珍しいです。当分はいらんな。 saturday: today, we went to the roadium flea market in gardena cuz the cousin wanted to do some shopping. afterwards, we headed over to long beach and did a teensy bit of sightseeing. for dinner, we had some sushiiii. おいしかった。えへ。
so yea, quite the hectic week. spring break is almost over and the cousin will be going home in a couple more days. 寂しくなりますね。ugh, and its also gonna suck dealing with the mom... 最近ヒステリックに拍車が掛かってる気がする。今日だって腕引っかかれたし。the bf keeps saying i should leave, but... あんだけ「死ぬ、死ぬ」言われたらね。マジで死なれたら後味悪いよな。難しい問題です。疲れた。寝るべ、寝るべ。

Currently listening to: 風になる - つじあやの

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pasta de Waraku

went here tonight with the bf for dinner. we were gonna get boiling crab for dinner but there were wayyyyyy too many people. -____- 結構楽しみにしてたのになぁ。残念。また今度。

ということで。向かう途中で見つけてこのレストランに夕食は決定。since i really like japanese-style pasta, i was really excited. the appetizer and stuff was pretty darn good. i got the sea urchin pasta and gratin set. i didn't think the pasta would be cream but when it came out, it was. -___- しつこすぎて食べきられなかった。途中までは順調だったのにね。でも、数少ない和製パスタ屋さんだから、また行くかも。

the restaurant this plaza was in was a relatively new plaza but it had a lot of interesting shops. there was one clothing store that sold fob style clothing. 結構かわいいのもいくつか。there was also another store that sold random crap from like japan, korea, and china. 彼のお姉さんの誕生日プレゼントをここで購入。そして、なんと、
カラオケ屋とプリクラ屋さんも入ってた~。the place was so asian. haha. overall, a very interesting plaza. :)

Currently listening to: LEVEL5-judgelight- - fripSide

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Road to Seoul AYCE

with finals done and all, decided to go out and have some funnnnn. :) so we decided to try out this AYCE BBQ place in Koreatown that my roomie told me about.
it's called "Road to Seoul" and it got pretty good reviews on yelp! so i was hoping it was good. 他2名と待ち合わせて、計4人で食べることに。結論:まぁまぁ?it was pretty decent. the best, i think, was the pork neck meat. that's was deeelicious. haha. i think we ate like close to 15 plates of meat. i was/am totally stuffed!!!!

サービスはまぁまぁ。みんなイイとか言ってたけど、ウチらの担当の人はサッサと追い出そうとしてるのが丸わかり。(笑)お肉は自分で焼きたいのに、よってくるし。i said once that it was fine but she would just not quit it. ugh. that's what a lot of korean places do tho, i guess. i think i would give the place a 3.

oh, and the most craziest thing about tonight was how i met one of my friends here. totally random. 偶然ってスゲェ!

Currently listening to: Hello Seattle - Owl City

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finals and Work

どっちが大事?どっちも大事。as a college student paying for pretty much all the expense associated with college, i really need money. but at the same time, i can't let my grades suffer. what's the point in going to college if you're gonna flunk out? あ~、バランスが難しい。個人的には、仕事は楽だからいい。けど、勉強は結構面白い。
type type type!

it's finals week right now. but, i don't have any finals, so to say. i have a translation project for my japanese class due tomorrow as well as a take home final for my history class. but not tests. ラッキーでしょ?日本語のクラスのは先週中に終わらせてから、ノー・プロブレム。it's the history take home final that's killing me. i need to finish that thing tonight, since i need to turn it in tomorrow. i've started, but i still have a long way to go. 頑張らねば。でも、天敵の眠気が絶対襲ってきそう。寝ないように頑張りまっす!

Currently listening to: Telephone feat. Beyonce - Lady Gaga

Sunday, March 14, 2010

CPK & The Proposal

on the way back to my apartment tonight, the bf and i decided to grab to go at California Pizza Kitchen. we ended up getting the avocado eggroll thingy (the appetizer) and the works pizza. 美味しかった♪ 高いだけあるよね。ま、たまには良いよね。
while munching on food from CPK back at the apartment, we watched "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. dude, Ryan Reynolds is quite the hunk :) haha. あんまりいい評判聞いてなかったから、正直どうかと思ったんだけど、意外と面白かったしよかったと思う。and made me kinda want to go back to alaska. haha. it was a cute story and got to see Ryan Reynolds naked so it was all good. :)
Currently listening to: Rockstar - Nickelback

Thursday, March 11, 2010

志なの & Karaoke

tonight, the bf, another friend, and i went out for dinner at "Shinano" in Monterey Park. (it seems like i'm going out a lot with his friends recently...) 念願の和食!でも、残念!あんまり美味しくなかった。esp. for the prices they charger. 高かった!$$$ i got a bit of sushi and dynamite. クオリティーはまずまず。竜田揚げが美味しかった!あはは。
they have ozashiki in the back!
after that, we met up with one more guy and off we went to little tokyo. the bf and i went karaoke while the other two guys went to the arcade. お金がないからカラオケはしないんだって。ま、楽しかったからイイケドね。although my throat was a bit buggy.

afterwards, we headed over to half&half and got some drinks while one of the guys ate since he didn't have dinner yet. 美味しそうだった~。食べたかったけどお腹いっぱいだったからムリ!but i did fill up my stamp card. 早っ!(笑)

later that night, one of the guys started using my bf's car to try to learn manual. it was a bumpy ride! haha. kinda like a thiller coaster at some parts. and man, he kept stalling. 私もまた習いたいな~。随分前に一回習ったきりだからね。その時はまぁまぁだった。でも、一回パニクったら、5回くらい連続でエンストしたっけ?(笑)車壊れちゃうね。


Currently listening to: My Measure - Lecca

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


注: さとう・たける と読みます。ま、言わなくてもご存知の方は大勢居ると思いますが。

かっこいいですよね~。:) ホレちゃいました。えへへ。是非ともメル友になりたい。でも、無理ですよねぇ。あんな有名人とメル友なんて。夢のまた夢の話だよね~。でも、なりたい!!!!



Currently listening to: 残像 - flumpool

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


もう期末ですよ。明日はなんと2つも。死ぬ。勉強ほとんどしてないし。ohmaigawwwwwwwwww. haha.

not too worried about my japanese class. 一回訳したら、なんとなく覚えてるしね。ま、江戸川乱歩はなぜかめっちゃ変な単語とか言い回しするけど。大丈夫でしょう。

other than that, my film class is... eh. it's pretty similar to the midterm so i'm hoping it's not that bad. i think i got a b+ on the midterm. その勢いで、みたいな?(笑)

argh! i hate finals. but, at least i won't have any tests during finals week :)

Currently listening to: Here it Goes Again - OK Go

Monday, March 8, 2010


went to griffith last night with the bf. but it was right before closing so we didn't get to stay too long... :( booooo... you know, i still haven't gotten to check out the planetarium.. 超みたい。でも、なかなか機会にめぐり会わない。残念。
we ended up only staying there for a little less than an hour. but it was right after it rained so you could see l.a. quite nicely. キレイだったよ!あ!日本人も結構いた。何か、バカなやつが塀の上に立って、怒られてた。あきれるよね。危ないっつぅの。

i really want to go to see the planetarium...

Currently listening to: プラネタリウム - 大塚愛

Friday, March 5, 2010

BJ's and Karaoke

昨晩は彼ん家でお泊り~♪ ということで、遅くまで夜遊び。we ended up going out for dinner and drinks with a two of his friends. (the bf doesn't drink so he was the dd) off we headed to BJ's. me being a first-timer didn't really know what to expect but, it was okay. ちょっと高いけどね。味はそこそこイケる。seriously tho, too pricey. they have good drinks tho. :) i think i got the mixed drink called Pomegranate Sunset. みたいな?(笑)

i think the one in the background is the popmegrate sunset. 美味しかった!

we finished dinner and all around 10-ish? and then we headed over to half&half since another guy and i wanted some boba. そこでまた小一時間ぐらいくっちゃべっちゃった。お外だから寒かった。あはは。

and then, we dropped one guy off at his place and went karaoke~! one of the guys with us was a total white guy that knew almost zero japanese but went with us anyways. 最初は歌わないとか言ってたけど、、、he ended up singing a couple american songs. haha its the カラオケの魅力。haha. we ended up singing for about an hour and a half. by the time we got home, it was around 2:30 a.m. 眠い~。でも、どうやら彼は元気みたいで...(照)ちょっち面倒くさいけど、相手してあげて、結局寝れたのが3時ぐらい?マジ寝不足。

Currently listening to: Loveless - 山下智久

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


effing shiznits. it's march already. =___= 寝不足~。so much to do as winter quarter is coming to an end. マジ疲れた。ugh. it's ninth week already...

後2週間で期末。大変~。っていう割りでもないけどね。cuz i have no finals during finals week. woot!! ラッキー♪ but until then, is gonna be kinda tough. i have 2 finals next week, on the same day. and during finals week, i have a take home exam that i'll need to work on. ヤダな~。

ま、でもその後は楽しい春休み~~~ :)
Currently listening to: ガッツだぜ! - ウルフルズ