Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finals and Work

どっちが大事?どっちも大事。as a college student paying for pretty much all the expense associated with college, i really need money. but at the same time, i can't let my grades suffer. what's the point in going to college if you're gonna flunk out? あ~、バランスが難しい。個人的には、仕事は楽だからいい。けど、勉強は結構面白い。
type type type!

it's finals week right now. but, i don't have any finals, so to say. i have a translation project for my japanese class due tomorrow as well as a take home final for my history class. but not tests. ラッキーでしょ?日本語のクラスのは先週中に終わらせてから、ノー・プロブレム。it's the history take home final that's killing me. i need to finish that thing tonight, since i need to turn it in tomorrow. i've started, but i still have a long way to go. 頑張らねば。でも、天敵の眠気が絶対襲ってきそう。寝ないように頑張りまっす!

Currently listening to: Telephone feat. Beyonce - Lady Gaga

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