Wednesday, August 26, 2009


got some for my 21st birthday. it's still a bit early till but my friends were nice enough to drop by and give it to me. テキーラなんて初めて飲んだぁぁ。思ったほどきつくはなかった。でも、Patron は飲み安いので有名だからね。ほかのテキーラはもっとキツイのかな?

彼は一発K.O.でした。情けない wasn't even a full shot. barely a sip...

Currently listening to: ラバソー ~ lovers soul ~ - 柴咲コウ

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Inglorious Basterds & Singin' in the Rain

on friday, i went out with my bestie and her bf to the movies. dude, the amc theater near my house is only $6 if you go in before noon. isn't that awesome. i hate having to pay like $10 to watch a movie. 中学のときと変わらない値段だね。

で、見た映画が、Inglorious Basterds. the one with brad pitt and directed by quentin tarantino. 面白い!実に面白かった。definitely worth that $6! it was graphic yet funny. the way the director was able to display the emotion of revenge is awesome. 人間の怖い部分を露骨に、なおかつ、面白く描けるのがすごいね。見てよかったと思った。after the movie, we went out to eat at this homestyle taiwanese place which was pretty good. the bestie ended up paying. thanks! i had some raw garlic. lots of it.... 次の日までにおったって。ってキスした彼に言われました...
で、昨日は友達の誕生日を祝うために、映画を見に行きました。ハリウッドにある墓地で夜空の下で見れるクラシック映画、今回は「Singin' in the Rain」でした。it was at a cemetery called Hollywood Forever. it was awesome. 自分でブランケットと食べ物とお酒・飲み物を持って入って、見るの。楽しかった♪ 絶対また行きたいね。今度は彼と二人で。maybe on a double date. hey bestie, how about it?? haha.

Currently listening to: Singin' in the Rain - Gene Kelly

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


「ブザービート」見てて思ったこと。北川景子って演技めっちゃ下手。this is the first time i've actually seen her act. and boy was i surprised. なんでこんなに下手なん?って思っちゃいました。だって、感情表現がぜんぜんスムーズじゃない。like, at one point, she's all へらへら, and then next, she's screaming in anger. it's like "woah, wtf!?" seriously... もうちょっと感情豊かにしないと...

she is, however, quite pretty. seems a bit bitchy but i guess that's part of her attraction. i hate that she's the 相手役 for yamashita tho. i personally think he deserves better. but i am biased :P だって、山Pってかっこいいじゃん?しかも演技ウマイし。歌も歌えるし。稼ぎまくってるし。結構条件そろってるよね。体も程よい筋肉が付いてるし。(キャーーー >.<) 今一押しかも。

so, went karaoke earlier today. 何か、長いこと行ってなかったな~。久しぶりだとのどが痛くなった。(笑)but it was a ton of fun. また行きたいな~。

Currently listening to: 無色 - 上原あずみ

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nisei Week Parade

yesterday was the annual nisei week parade in little tokyo. 皆さん行かれましたか?今年もやはりねぶた様が居ましたね。私は京都グランドの方で見てたんですけどね、結構空いてました。他の japanese american museum とか pinkberry の前はめちゃ混みでしたね。(結構ウロウロしてました)お店があるところに行くと動くのがやっとで連れと離れないようにするのが大変でしたね~。
ま、二世ウィークに行ったら絶対知り合いに会うだろうな~って思ってたら、案の定、いました。無視してましたけど。あんまり親しくもなければ好きな人ではなかったから(笑)is that bad?? o wells. でも、パレードに知り合いが居てビックリでしたね。


Currently listening to: I want it that way - Backstreet Boys

Saturday, August 15, 2009


it's been a while... haven't been doing too much. i know... boring life. shush. anyways, i have been watching a couple of movies. between now and the last post, i've watched 3 movies: The Ugly Truth, Death Race, and Thank You For Smoking. so, let's get started...

first up, The Ugly Truth. typical romantic comedy. bf said it was pretty predictable, which i must say was. でも、やっぱかわいいとも思った。下ネタが豊富でしたね~。(笑)and, katherine heigl is an awesome actress. i'm sure there are a ton of a-list actresses out there that saw the script and were like, "there is NO WAY i am doing this..." 下ネタがあってこそ面白いんだっつ~の!

Death Race was a so-so movie. i don't know much about cars so all that technical yatta yatta wasn't that big for me. でも、彼は車好きだから、「あれはありえない」とか「これはこーじゃなきゃ」とかウルサイ。いいじゃん!映画なんだから。夢売るのが商売なんだよ!but it was pretty fast paced. sometimes a little too so. it was hard to understand what was going on in the movie sometimes. plus, i was kinda sleepy... =_=

out of all three of these movies, Thank You for Smoking was the best. really interesting movie. 本当に面白かった。いろんな意味で勉強にもなったしね。何せ内容が内容なだけにどんなもんかな~って思ってたけど、期待を上回ったね。the satire was really good. if you like that kind of stuff, you'll love this movie. definitely recommended.
Currently listening to: Toxic - Britney Spears

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


かなりヤバイです。i'm seriously really low on $$. -__- need to work more. but work is sooooo boring. lol. ヤダな~。でも、今のバイトは時給$12だからすごいイイんだよね~。やめられない止まらないカッパえび千♪ 状態ですね。
what really killed me is buying my laptop. that thing was so expensive. even tho it was a good buy.... it ate a huge chunk of my checkings. baaaaddddd. 後、日本円がまだあるんだよね~。lik, 16万ぐらい?i also have a bit of cash leftover from what my aunt and uncle gave me, which are in dollars. どうにか来週まで生き延びないと。来週は給料日!待ち遠しい...

Currently listening to: イチブトゼンブ - B'z

Sunday, August 9, 2009


so, finally got my hands on my new latop. it's apparently pretty powerful and i got it for a pretty decent price, $899.99 at best buys. had to go all the way to Orange to get it tho.... -_-

最初に見つけたのが City of Industry の Best Buys. でも、そこでは、在庫がなく、やっと Orange で見つけた。it's a dell studio xps m1340. it's a 13incher, a bit on the heavier side, but i like it a lot. looked at a lot of computers since my last vaio died and it's one that i really liked so i'm happy now. :) haha


Currently listening to: 鼻毛ボー - ジョンジョリナー・アリー

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


apparently, the motherboard on my laptop is messed up. and it's gonna cost me about $450-$475 to fix it. which probably means i'm better off getting a new one, right? R.I.P Vaio. 今までありがとう。

さて、次のパソコンをどうするか。また、バイオが欲しい気がするけど...高い。the bf has a dell so i'm thinking of getting a dell too. but then, i want the new adamo. which is really pricey too. お金がないから、安い方がいいんだけど、妥協したくないしね。どうしましょう。the bf says i should get the dell inspirion. which is much cheaper than the adamo. 悩みます。


so, 従兄弟ちゃんの新しいピアスが千切れたって。痛そう。。。痛かった?血出た?っ言うか、元々開けたところが間違ってたんだよ。もうちょっと中の方に開けないと。it was barely hanging on.... また開けるの?

Currently listening to: Heaven's Drive - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

finally watched it! i've kept hearing it's a good movie but i've just never had the chance to watch it. well, i finally did. and it was good! liked it a lot. かわいいし、面白いし、それにてロマンチックだし。女の子が喜びそうな映画だね。やっぱり、女の子としては結婚式は憧れるよね~。特に!ウェディングドレス!やっぱ純白っしょ。recently, there are wedding dresses in all sorts of different colors but i think white is still the best. でも、めっちゃフワフワしてるのヤかも。i think i'd rather have one that's slimmer, more modern. haha. before i say such things, i should diet. って、まだまだ先の話だけどね。

oh! went swimming in my pool yesterday. it was lots of fun. 今年初めて水着着た。やっぱ夏だと気持ちイイね。ウチにプールがあってよかった!

Currently listening to: Faraway - Gackt