Wednesday, August 31, 2011

went to the japanese restaurant in beverly hills called Mai last night. it's a buffet and even tho it was a buffet, the place was really small. not cramped, but kinda small. でも、その分、料理のクオリティーは高かったと思う。そこいらにあるバイキングよりよっぽどおいしかった。
they had a lot of fish! 私焼き魚とか大好きだから、メッチャうれしかったですね。後はお寿司も結構品揃えが良かったですね。そのほかにも揚げのあんかけやてんぷら・フライ、おでんなど等色々ありましたね。they also had quite a few different desserts too. and because the place was small, they would only have a few of each dish out so for the most part, the food was really fresh. ま、普通の和食レストランにはちょっぴり及ばないけど、やはりバイキングにしては絶品でしたね。

Currently listening to: まだ見ぬ世界へ - 嵐

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