Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love and Hate

some news today. good and bad. hence the title.

first up: love :) so, apparently, there's this bollywood actor who fell madly in love with a russian girl and married her and went off to russia to live with her. sounds normal, right? well, turns out, he can't speak russian and now works as a street cleaner, earning in a month what he used to make in 2 days as an actor. sad but sweet. そこまで愛されるって幸せだろうね。経験してみたいものです。it's a cute little love story, click here to read the article.

next: hate :( ever heard of Abu Ghraib? it's pretty famous. its a detention center located somewhere in the Middle East (sorry, can't remember it's exact location) that is infamous for the torture being used against it's prisoners. this was my topic for my senior year government project, so i know a decent amout about it. anyways, apparently, it's not just torture allegations but also rape and sexual abuse. there are pictures that won't be disclosed. seriously, how can people do that to other people. 信じられない。だって、別に絶対テロリストって訳でもない人だよ?もし、テロリストだったとしても、人間だよ!?フツーの神経じゃできないだろうね。こういうの聞くと人間不信になるよね。here's the article.
war never ends because of stuff like. world peace is impossible to achieve, in my opinion. who ever thinks it is should seriously be exposed to reality.

Currently listening to: カルマの坂 - ポルノグラフィティ

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