Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Movie Night

yesterday was MLK day :) yeay! i spent the entire day with my bf. i hope everyone had a good one as well. so, yesterday, went to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "Bride Wars". i like both, decently. Benjamin Button was a but too slow for me. i like more fast-paced stuff. lol. たいくつしちゃう。(笑)bride wars was pretty damn funny. i think you'll like it if you're a girl. オトコにはあんまり分からない世界かも。女の子にとって結婚式は大事だからね。inauguration day today!! Barack Obama is now our 44th president :) isn't that great? hopefully, he keeps good on his words and there will be some major changes. good ones too. 私の母は正直言ってオバマはキライらしいんだけど。ま、市民じゃないんだからどうこう言っても仕方ないと思うけどね。あ!!羞恥心が解散した!紅白出て、目標果たせたから終わりだって。結構スキだったからショック。apparently, there will be other hexagon projects to continue but i doubt any of them will be as good as 羞恥心。上地雄輔さん、野久保直樹さん、つるの剛士さん、お疲れ様でした。Currently listening to: 弱虫サンタ - 羞恥心

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