Sunday, June 13, 2010


got a call all of a sudden today from the roomie. turns out, our friend in norcal, who came down on thursday to attend ucla graduation, is going back tonight. 早いよね?ま、仕事があるからしょうがないみたいなんだけど。so we decide to meet up in the evening to talk before she leaves.
we meet up at half & half and sit down to talk. it was lots of fun. i felt like we were back in high school. we even met more people we know from high school there. i mean, it is a popular tea house in our area but man, there were quite a few familiar faces. haha. 懐かしいね。もうみんなそろそろ大学卒業だからね。やっぱ友達って大切だね。また遊びたいな~。早くまた戻ってきてね。

Currently listening to: ロンリー - 阿部真央

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