Thursday, February 3, 2011


heard of that song? it's been annoyingly playing on the radio recently. and I HATE IT!!!! ホント、掛かってきたら、絶対ステーション変えるもんね。聞き飽きたっていうのもあるけど、内容もアホな内容だし、聞く価値なし。

i never knew who sang it. i kept wondering what kind of douchebag sang it. turns out, it's enrique inglesias. -__- もうちょっとまともなの歌えよ。昔はそこそこ良かったのに。 like "Hero" was really good. 今は馬鹿みたい。時代の流れって恐ろしいね。the fact that this song is so popular astonishes me. what kind of people listen to this song?

Currently listening to: Hero - Enrique Inglesias

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