Tuesday, February 22, 2011


最近ちょっぴり痩せてきた私。:D i've always been on the slightly chubbier side. and it's really hard for me to loose weight cuz i don't like to exercise and i love to eat. lol. ま、でも、全然肥満からは未だ程遠いからいいと思うけど。これ以上近付いたらマジでやばい。です。
anyways, so it was good that i'm actually losing some fat. でも、この週末で結構食べちゃいました。on saturday night, my dad took us out to korean bbq. originally, we were supposed to go to an AYCE in koreatown call Moodaepo II, or something like that, but the place was packed and it was over an hour wait. :O で、そんなに待てないという事で、違うところに。man, i ate a lot. we got like 6 plates of meats for the 4 of us. it was seriously quite a lot. 結局すんごいお腹いっぱいになるまで食べちゃった。
and then last night, we went to kaiten sushi. ガッテン寿司ってとこ。i've been to their cerritos store before but this time, we went to their new monterey park location. あそこ、お店の回転悪すぎ。席は空いてるのに、お客が待ってるの。オカシイよね。it's like, hurry up and clean those tables so people can sit!! but yea, i was sharing everything with my dad, since there are 2 pieces to most plates. 一緒になって食べてたら、結構食べちゃった。自己嫌悪です。はぁ~。二日続けて食べすぎ。美味しいものには目が無いのです。気をつけねば。
Currently listening to: がんばりましょう! - SMAP

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