Friday, March 20, 2009

Hiking & 21

yesterday was my guilty pleasure day with the bf. so, what did we decide to do?? we decided to go to the mountains and do some hiking. 結構楽しかった♪ でも、思ったより何もなかった。we met some people fishing and that seemed like fun tho. :)
my local mountains :)
今度は自転車持っていってダムまで行こうと決めました。(笑)it was really hot tho. but it was nice to just kick back and eat lunch in the wild. haha.

after that, we went back to his place and decided to watch "21". i had heard it was good but never got the chance to watch it in the theaters so we borrowed it. it was a decent movie. the main guy was kinda cute :) うん。そこそこよかった。

Currently listening to: Because of you... - Kelly Clarkson

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