Thursday, March 12, 2009

White Day

americans may not be aware of this concept but in japan, it is a highly popularized day. white day is the valentines day for boys. in japan, girls give chocolate to guys they like. if the guy likes the girl back, he reciprocates on white day and gives the girl a present. かわいいよね!と、言うことで、今年のバレンタインは日本式にした。彼には sony の mp3 をあげた。で、今週末はホワイトデー。

so, my bf already told me ahead of time that he was making something on the computer for white day. exciting, right?? :) but, he lost all his files, along with my present. 超残念。but now, he says he's remaking it but a bit crappy. それでもウレシイじゃん?だって、私のためにめっちゃがんばってくれてるんだもん。でもさ、he's like, if i go over to his house tonight, he won't be able to finish it in time. making it seem like it's my fault. ずるくない!?自分が他の事やってるからでしょ?shouldn't i get some sort of priority for being his girlfriend?? but no, last night, he spent much of his time burning dvds for a coworker.


Currently listening to: Misery Business - Paramore

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