Wednesday, March 4, 2009


so, my bf was reformatting his computer and something went horribly wrong and he lost all his files :O so, he's recovering them right now but it's going to be a real pain in the butt to try and sort him. i volunteered to help. で、彼が言ったのが、「エッチなものいっぱいあるよ」。それに対して私が言ったのが、「知ってる」。

私って変かな?i don't really mind if my bf watches porn or not. it's totally up to him. i mean, i know he watches it and has been watching it for quite a while. 別に私に何の支障もないし、いいんじゃない?って思う。

でも、i hear a lot of girls won't let their bf's watch them. is it really that bad? i mean, i think i'd rather have him jerk off to some lady on his computer screen than cheat on me. (i'm not saying he will) でも、たまにの息抜きはいいんじゃない?やっぱ変かな?
Currently listening to: I hate this part - Pussy Cat Dolls

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