Monday, September 15, 2008

new マンガ!

today, was 古本屋めぐり with the bf. actually, we only went to 2. but whatever. i bought quite A LOT. with money i don't have. lol. bad me...

i recently got into this one 漫画家、瀬尾広治。少年漫画なんだけど、絵が結構好き。カワイイ系?何しろ、イイ。色々見て回って、「W's」全巻と「涼風」を1巻から11巻(多分まだ続きがある...)を買った。全部で$25ぐらいだった~。やっぱ古本やね。it's so much more cheaper. i got a lot of those darn books for about $1. heck yea!

oh, i also started reading the book 'twilight' today. seems like it might be pretty interesting. just that i like reading マンガ more than english books lately so i think i really need to put an effort in reading it. 一応面白そうだし。


currently listening to: あたらしい日々 - Every Little Thing

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