Tuesday, September 9, 2008

FREEDOM!!!!! :)

the grandparents finally left today!!! i have been waiting for this day since i first found out they were coming! haha. but seriously, my summer was severely impeded due to their arrival. やっと...やっと元の生活に戻れた~。夏休みのほとんどをつぶされたけど...マジいやになる。


today, while taking them to the airport and such, i was amazed at the amount of luggage/things they were taking home. it was astounding. they had 4 suitcases (1
regular suitcase, 1 really big duffel bag like thing, 1 big roller, and 1 medium bag) that was to be 預ける荷物。all stuffed to their max. and 2 carry-ons. 1 for each of them. even those were stuffed with as much things as they could put in. それでも全部持って帰れなかったんだからスゴイよね。多すぎだっつうの~

next year, i might be going to japan so they shouldn't be coming. SHOULDN'T BE. let's hope that's the case. でも、また来る気満々だからなぁ...*sigh* 考えただけでも疲れる。

currently listening to: カルマの坂 - ポルノグラフィティ

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