Saturday, April 23, 2011


so, i'm done with my old job. well, kinda. i'm still gonna help out for a while. until the end of may to be exact. それはそれでメンドクセェ。だって、新しいところでの勤務を終えてからまた、仕事に行くんだよ!?た~いへん。

but hey, it's extra money. i really need money. especially since i just bought a desktop and my credit card is practically maxed out. lol. i have wayyy too many expenses. ugh. 社会人って大変。

good thing is that i'm finally slowly moving away from my annoying as hell boss.
bad part is that i honestly have no clue what to expect from my new workplace. 不安ですねぇ。随分硬そうなところだからね。well, ready or not, monday is coming up. やってやろうじゃないか!

Currently listening to: EXIT - ポルノグラフィティ

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