Friday, April 1, 2011


今日は面接でした。緊張したぁ。i was the first one there so i wasn't really sure of how many people were gonna show up. but then, another person came and i talked to her and she said that a lot of people applied for the position... -_- そんなに倍率高いのかよ!

so, the interview itself was so so. まぁまぁの手ごたえ。i don't think i was too awkward. でも、日本語だからなぁ。大変でしたね。ニホンゴ、ムヅカシイ。しかも、私って結構人見知りだから、すっごく緊張しましたね。and they kept asking kinda hard questions. like, how do you think you can contribute to the post?? みたいな。仕事内容全然分からないから超適当に答えた。and what do you think you've learned after you started working??とか。知らんし。テキトーに小さい細かいことの大切さとか時間うんたらかんたらとか言った気がする。

overall, it took about 15 minutes or so. dude, i had my car in parking for about 40 minutes and i had to pay like $17... downtown parking is wayyyy tooo expensive... ま、追って連絡しますって言われたから、どうなることやら。終わって、待合室みたいな所に出たら、めっちゃ人いた。こりゃ確かに倍率高いわなって思いましたね。but i would really like a new job... it'll be much better pay than right now.

Currently listening to: GOOD LUCKY!!!! - グッキー

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