Friday, April 15, 2011


私って相当負けず嫌い。i've known that for a while. i mean, i'd like to think i understand myself somewhat. and i really hate losing.

ま、そんな事を言い出した発端は自分の運転。抜かれそうになると、ムカッときますね。(笑)it's really stupid, i know. it's also a waste of gas. haha. もったいないよね。ガス今高いし。but it really feels good when i'm able to block in an いかにも ricer car. lol. they think they're all cool and shit because they have money to spend on their car. it's just freaking loud and stupid looking most of the time. で、そういうヤツが前に行けないようにするのは面白いね。ま、でも、もうちょっとガスのことを考えておとなしく運転した方がいいかもね。じゃないとそのうち事故るかも!?

Currently listening to: "Good Morning Mr. Hide" - L'Arc~en~Ciel

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