Saturday, January 1, 2011


it's 2011!! 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いいたします。

today was spent leisurely. was able to spend the day with the
bf. he actually took a day off of work for me!! :) ありがとうございます!at night, the bf and i were able to go out so we decided to go to golf n' stuff. it's in downey. どこ行こうか散々迷った挙句、彼の妹がそこを進めてたのを思い出し、行くことに。especially since its new years and there are are few places open, we decided to give it a shot.
it was actually a really interesting place. it had an arcade, mini golf, and some rides. そこそこ充実した品揃え。しかも、値段は結構お手ごろ。で、寒いけど、そんな寒空の下でミニゴルフをすることに。楽しかったよ♪ they have like four different courses you can choose from but towards the end, we were just going every which way, ignoring the courses. lol. あんまり時間はなかったけど、楽しめたね。また機会があったらいってみたいかな。

Currently listening to: 声を聞かせて - BIG BANG

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