Tuesday, January 25, 2011


so, i was asked at work today to take care of the boss' son. his wife needed to go to the doctor's and the boss had a meeting. で、他には誰も居ないらしく、私が預かることに。he just turned 4, btw.

で、再確認させられたこと: 私、子供って結構苦手。何をしたらいいかわからない。i mean, i think little kids and babies are cute and all. but i seriously don't know how to treat them and play with them. it's worse when you can't communicate with them fully yet. どうやって機嫌取れっつぅんだよ!知らんし。

i offered to play with the little kid but he refused.... brat. so he just ended up sitting there watching a dvd while i did work. ま、楽っちゃあ楽だけどさ。but i seriously don't know what to do with them. ま、それも自分の子供があまり欲しくない理由の一部でもあるんだけどね。自分の子は他人の子を子守するのとは違うとは思うけど。でも。分からん。maybe i'll figure it out as a i grow up more??? i dunno... i feel like this is just something i'll never be good at. you can't help but feel sorry for the little sucker that's gonna end up as my child. lol

Currently listening to: 冬空のLove Song - ベッキー♯♪

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