Wednesday, January 5, 2011


今日は仕事の面接に行ってきました。ま、仕事って言っても母の知人の手伝いだけなんだけど。しかも、その人って超細かくて大変らしい。my dad is the one that initially knew him and he's worked with him before and definitely did not recommend him. lol. 気が重いなぁ。but i really need to work so for now, i'm stuck.

anyways, had to drive out all the way to palos verdes at
first to help my mom. then, going back, went along this really scenic route. it was really pretty with the ocean and stuff. でも、結構捲いてる道で、気をつけないといけないところだったから、あんまりゆっくり見れなかったね。交通量も結構あったし。ま、一人で感動しながら運転してたね。(笑)

so, met up with my employer around noon. talked for a while and then decided to go for lunch. その面接の内容が変でしたね。ま、学歴や特技など、普通のことも聞かれたけど、血液型とか、イヤな事とか、なんか、関係なさそうなこともいっぱい聞かれた。and man, this guy talks a lot! この先が思いやられる...しかも、来週の月曜からはもう仕事だって。*sigh*お昼はインド料理をゴチになりました。結構インド料理とは縁が無くて、ほとんど食べたことがない。it wasn't so bad. the curry was actually pretty good. (it was a buffet). but the salad dressing was yogurt based and that was a bit gross. but other than that, it was decent. the naan was actually really good. :) また、挑戦してみたいな。

Currently listening to: Mine - Taylor Swift

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